General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at my last game :D

Look at my last game :D in General Discussion
bum farto

    I feel like I don't have enough crayons to explain things to you. How are you this stupid?

    The information is all there and the inaccuracies in your statements are right in front of you.

    Your last ranked game played the average for that game was no higher than 4.1 which makes it impossible for you to have been higher at that point than 4.2.

    I believe your party is about 4.1k I am not disputing that, but you're solo is about 4.1k as well. Does this make sense at all to you?


      Oh, I'm not butthurt. This is insanely entertaining to finally see the NA's perspective on how you're a good core but can't win. I never was able to get this type of knowledge: since I was 3k for maybe a week. When I finally decided to play ranked after Reborn.


        So, Oldman pos4-5, you're telling me (being from EU) that in US WEST/EAST you've never been paired in a 4k bracket when being 5k?
        I'll wait. . .


          You know, I really missed you at Starbucks. And I miss you watching me from your office while I pick a dress for my girlfriend. Maybe you can serve me when I order in McDonald's next.


            If not.. which more than likely is.. why do you feel your uneducated opinions matter?


              Man you're so proud of your 933 friends but the max likes you fucking get is 5, and the only person that comments is your sister. Which means even if people spend 50% of their waking hours online they still don't give enough fucks to press that like button.


                oo baron are you new phone? and was this the starbucks in thousand oaks in the year 2007?
                was a cool joke, honestly.
                What's being single like?



                  Yeah I remember Reborn coming out 4 fucking years ago. Seems like only yesterday.

                  casual gamer

                    can you stop saying the word homie jesus


                      I'm sure meme's and reddit forums keep you preoccupied and delusional to what your life may be.
                      Remember, my friend, you still have to pay bills.
                      I am grateful that you use Dota as an escape and I'm sure you hope to break 4k one day. But, let's be real...
                      How about you go to school bud. I'm an alumni in UCSB, I can help you out.


                        Now the specimen is bringing irrelevant arguments to the table, because he does not have the intellectual capacity to think of new, logical ones.


                          Haha retard this guy has no idea


                            Um, thanks for showing me my warlock game?, I'm so lost.


                              Who are you again 3.8k with less 1000 matches?


                                You said you started Ranked when Reborn came out. That's your first Ranked game.

                                If you lack brain cells and can't understand sarcasm, and need everything spoon fed, I'll be glad to comply.

                                You're full of bullshit and your "first ranked reborn" claim was false, just a way to excuse for your pathetic 4 years and 7k games.


                                  You think being 4.1k and have 7000 is better than being 3.8k with 900?

                                  Quality, not quantity.


                                    false? there was no calibration system until they changed it to being 10 games.
                                    how new are you? and how is 3k hard for you?


                                      Please don't tell me that SE Asia account is bought?
                                      Cuz holy fuck would that make sense. Your idiocy and lack thereof knowledge of this game.


                                        Oh, I'm not butthurt. This is insanely entertaining to finally see the NA's perspective on how you're a good core but can't win. I never was able to get this type of knowledge: since I was 3k for maybe a week. When I finally decided to play ranked after Reborn.

                                        When I finally decided to play ranked after Reborn.

                                        Do you have a problem with your cognitive ability?


                                          Especially since 80% of your ranked games are lossed once you 'got' the account. LOL Holy fuck how many fucking delusion phaggots play this.


                                            Yes of course, because actually participating in real life for a few months and losing MMR because of being rusty is indeed a sign of "account buying".


                                              Oh my fuck... you are a bought account.
                                              Ok, step along.. child.



                                                Man are you usually this stupid, or?

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  ur both bad


                                                    LOL what a fucking LOSER. HOLY SHIT. How do you people live with yourselves and not consider death?


                                                      OH MY YOU REALLY CAN'T GET SARCASM HOLY SHIT HAHAHAHA

                                                      please dont leave the forum man hahahahaha


                                                        LOL what a fucking LOSER. HOLY SHIT. How do you people live with yourselves and not consider death?


                                                          4.5 and 4.3 is cute kyle.. thanx for your input. now kiss your mom for buying that pc of yours.
                                                          These south asian accounts popping up everywhere like they matter at all..

                                                          3k Account?
                                                          unless they lost the mmr from 4k... LOL holy flying fuck. Now I can't blame peru.


                                                            If you really CANNOT understand the joke, it means I took a break from the game and lost matches because I was out of practice and unfamiliar with the meta. Jesus Christ my sides HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                                                              YOU'RE AS DENSE AS YOUR LAND WHALE MOM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOOD SHIT BRO


                                                                do you truly think, and lets be honest, things get better beyond this point for you?
                                                                Do you magically win TI, or even go to school, or able to 'buy someone else's life?'

                                                                why are you bothering?
                                                                It's so sad, and I'm honestly trying to be empathetic to see how miserable and lonely you may be to spend money on some 3k account and come to some unused forum. So, sad.
                                                                I guess death is always an option. Shit, I do believe in darwinism.

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  that in US WEST/EAST you've never been paired in a 4k bracket when being 5k?

                                                                  I have been paired with 4Ks but never where the average was 4.2 lowest was around 4.9-5.2 you've never been in a solo game that has averaged higher that 4.3

                                                                  This is one of those games but this happens every 1 in 5 in my case rather than ever game in your case.

                                                                  There is also games where I get higher for example playing in average games of 6-7K which you have never done. Example of this below.

                                                         < Empire guy is 7.5k

                                                                  Can you demonstrate at least 3 games where you were in a game that was even 5K average? Or even high 4k, as a solo player?


                                                                    Anyway, have your mom send me the funeral information.
                                                                    I'll gladly attend and state: he was a sad kid, who lived in a world of 'make-believe' and deep down didn't realize he'd become anything but an extra body consuming the same air I do.

                                                                    Getting late, have work in 4 hours. Save up your allowance and spend that extra $100 for a 5k one. Hopefully I'll see you there.
                                                                    Sweet dreams man, remember -it's just the cards we're dealt- don't be hard on yourself or pretend to be something you're not.

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      ^ Screen shoot and send this to polic mod,let the drama continue!


                                                                        I'm almost certain I said US WEST/EAST while Benedict Cumberbatch doesn't realize the mmr difference in EU?
                                                                        Once again, why is he here?
                                                                        Ok enough, I'm going to bed.


                                                                          The question here, Luis, is why are you bothering?

                                                                          Everyone sees that you're wrong. Except you. Do you magically win TI? Go to school? Buy someone's life? You're an old man Luis. You are stuck in a dead end job with a gay ass kid. I'm trying to contextualize your situation and understand more, but I can't begin to comprehend the level of incompetence you managed to show in your life. Dogshit life. Dogshit player. It's amazing how someone manages to fail this much. How do you even turn on that PC everytime, knowing you'll lose? When will you understand there is nothing left for you but senility, which would not change anything about you I imagine.

                                                                          I'm still in school. Grades are good. Relationships are even better. I've progressed more than you ever could in the game, and I am sure I'll develop better than you did as a person. I swear to God I'll be more than a fucking barista or stuck in a crappy job in a clothing store.

                                                                          Contrary, I don't believe in Darwinism. I can't wrap my head around the fact that you are the output of a successful evolutionary process that spans for millions of years. Are you all there is to show for it?

                                                                          Also my god you still didn't understand the joke xD. I read once that 7 year olds understand sarcasm. I think your child can do better.


                                                                            Yo havoc and haffy why tf are you guys even bothering anymore?


                                                                              OMG this thread is not stopping hahaha

                                                                              Here I am eating popcorns whlie reading lol


                                                                                I'm typing and eating popcorn.


                                                                                  I'm eating nutella from the container or is it licking?

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    Nah Baron.. you're right.
                                                                                    When I bought my first house and got my boys. My first music video, then making adam lazzara's after he comeback and my gf.
                                                                                    But please. Keep telling yourself, you don't deserve to die because you have nothing

                                                                                    I'm not afraid to share who I am. Because it's ME. it's MY LIFE. who are you? a facebook, instagram, tinder, snapchat stalker? You're a loser bro. plain and simple.
                                                                                    sad to say
                                                                                    it sucks to be you. it really does.


                                                                                      I've shared everything, which I probably shouldnt have cared as much, but I'm drunk.. who cares. and where are you again? who are you? what do you do? how are you not dead yet?

                                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                                        Holy shit man this jigga trying real fucking hard to prove he is a succsessful person in life ECKS DEE


                                                                                          nah not trying.. don't need to. just furthermore increasing the suicidal tendencies of this loser.
                                                                                          it bothers me knowing we share the same air while he stays at home, doing nothing.
                                                                                          fucking darwinism. life will get'em


                                                                                            Wow so proud of your life yeah? Then go fucking wag it somewhere else we don't give a fuck. You are desperate enough to prove a point that you share your real life in a fucking VIDEO GAME FORUM. That in itself speaks volumes of your immaturity. You're a grown ass man who has at least 7 thousand hours logged into a game, while not being able to reach even an applaudable matchmaking rating.

                                                                                            What drove you to act like this? Such an irrational flaw of trying to prove oneself, even including aspects which do not relate at all to the topic at hand. You're a dogshit player, why do you try to deny it?


                                                                                              and still not 1 picture, LOL...
                                                                                              eh i guess you'll die soon.
                                                                                              gnite. sorry you were dealt the cards of life you got.

                                                                                              I hear erotic asphyxiation is the way to go.

                                                                                              gnite kid.


                                                                                                @TAW | JollyRoger you need to calm down man IDK if your aware of this or not but your being baited and we should end this thread its getting cancerous just stop there's no need to press on this topic any longer.

                                                                                                Guys just stop even the OP is not particiating on this thread.

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                                  Why would I think of suicide for this? I've got so much to live for. I don't even care that much, because for you this might be a valiant cause of defending your integrity as a person, but for me this is just something to pass away the time while I wait for class to come in the morning.


                                                                                                    He isnt very successful with his mmr despite the amount of games he played thats4sho l m e o


                                                                                                      How does a picture add anything to this? xD. It doesn't even prove anything. Know you don't have anything else but your life to use as a defense for your shitty plays and shitty attitude? It's not even a valid one; it's just a pathetic attempt at a rebuttal HAHAHA