General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are 4ks so fucking awful?

Why are 4ks so fucking awful? in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    Like srsly, I want to know why the fuck every 4k player is so bad at this game to the point where they easily get rekt by 2k players. I'm not even shitting you guys, I've seen 4k players literally get rekt 1v1 against a 2k and hell even an entire 4k team (benaos team) losing to scrubs (some other team mixed with 2ks and 3ks).

    How the fuck did they escape their 2k and 3k bracket?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      Blunt in 2014: bragging about being 6k
      Blunt in 2017: bragging about bring 5k



        Your only decent core is meepo, every other game you play that isn't meepo you feed like a 4K.


          Ask how clement lost to apoo 1v1

          Цей коментар був відредагований
          Giff me Wingman

            vohi abusing in 2017 :thinking:

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              A very serious question, why do you even attempt to play core now? Your best hero stands at a 61% wr and every other core you play you sit just above 50%wr.
              You seem like an awful core to have on a team, you should try pos 4 or 5

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Are you account buyer or booster?


                  It's true though. The first time I stacked with a 4k we lost coz he was useless and we 2k trash had to carry his trash ass . Moderfucking omni spam abuser.

                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                      Winrate can be inflated so easily. It doesn't represent skill of a player.


                        Because even a 5 year old is born knowing how to make a fist and pop someone in the nose. 2k or 8k isn't that different because they're both still human. What a mundane concept. Kind of.

                        Ryan Gosling Fan

                          ^ 8 ks lost Most of their humanity Already...


                            Well you got me there. What was I thinking comparing myself to biological dota 2 playing machines like that...

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Winrate can be inflated so easily. It doesn't represent skill of a player

                              Winrate means your a overall good player in your bracket compare to other.

                              A 60% winrate player means he has a lot of room to improve. 50% winrate is in his skill level, while a 40% winrate means he will drop and drop until he lands to his "real" skill bracket.

                              You can't inflate your winrate so easily. There's a method though, like 5 man party with 5-6k mmr normal match (since high mmr rarely play normal match) so the macthmaking is usually unbalanced, like a 5.5k avg mmr vs 4k avg mmr.

                              But still, you must be good to do that. Because 4k with great teamwork can still defeat you.

                              A W is still a W.
                              Having a 0-10 W is better tha 10-0 with a L.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              basement :)

                                4k players are actually awful though. As in, 4000–4100.

                                Meepo games are stupid. Get countered=most likely lose. Do not = free win.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Looks like I was right. What am I saying? I'm always right.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    100% humidity? You have gills or some shit?

                                    casual gamer

                                      innsmouth, denmark

                                      casual gamer

                                        on topic, probably by picking meepo for 900 games

                                        casual gamer

                                          here blunt, you dont need to be boosted for a blue star, here u go


                                            everyone is shit




                                                this guy literally watches 1 game to determine the whole dota community

                                                Story Time

                                                  maybe 4k ruin your expectations about them, because you have unbalanced expectations? Seriously, 4k is just 3k who does not play drunk or tired or tilted, everything else is the same.


                                                    I love this hate :D

                                                    GIT GUD BLUNT


                                                      ^Aren't you Blunt?


                                                        4k's are awful because they focus on their MMR not their skill bracket