General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat if consumables items can now be used in the backpack?

What if consumables items can now be used in the backpack? in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Ofcourse, the double cooldown still apply when you use it. Also, the bonus (like Enchanted Mango or Faerie Fire) is muted.

    Consumable items like:
    -Observer/Sentry Wards
    -Dust of Appearance
    -Enchanted Mango
    -Faerie Fire
    -Tome of Knowledge

    This will make working as a team more effective. No more Hey someone buy dust!, Sorry guys. No slot left.
    someone tp! I'm being tower dived. *swap inventory with tp. Waits for 5 sec to work. Tp for 1.5sec. TOO LATE, he died*.

    What do you think?

      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

        The backpack is balanced as it is. If someones holding tp's in backpack at a time early enough to warrant tp supporting then you are in the wrong

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          hwo the ufkc do you want this to work with quickcasts XDDDD

          do you mean hotkeys accessing the backpack? We'll it depends on how you configure it in the settings I think.

          The backpack is balanced as it is.

          I agree. But do you think this addition will greatly encourage us to always carry a consumable items? In my mmr bracket, dust SoD or sentry is almost nonexistent coz they "eat" space.

          Not Saske

            or you can just simply swap the items, 6 sec earlier before you want to use it.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              ^fucking exactly thats the whole point of backpack

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                or you can just simply swap the items, 6 sec earlier before you want to use it.

                I know i know. It's just my opinion and I think it's a little cumbersome to swap items in a clutch moment, especially late game where a 6 slotted hero is common. Even a support can have a 6 slotted items (boots, ghost scepter, dag, magic stick, tp.) So if I swap a SoD or plant a wards it takes a time.

                Using it directly in the backpack will be less tiresome don't you think?

                Not Saske

                  everyone can have their own opinion.

                  but i don't agree with be able to use items "inside backpack".

                  as a support player, i always do this :

                  when i tp from base, i swap any items from backpack with my TP scroll, so i can use it instantly.
                  meanwhile when i walking to gank or help teammates, i swap any items that i need to use from backpack to inventory (ex : i swap my dust/sents with stick or other non crucial items, and after i use the dust or sents, i swap it back with original items).
                  go to nearest shop to swap items (if available).

                  and i get used to with this.

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    that would be imbalanced
                    its like having 9 slots then
                    Especially tp
                    carries can siege tower full slotted with tp escape still
                    6 sec cd is okay


                      The whole point is that the backpack "carries" the item but you cant use it because you didnt take it out of the pack yet.

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        that would be imbalanced
                        its like having 9 slots then
                        Especially tp

                        I'm only referring consumables item. Active items like BKB, refresher, or Dag are not included.

                        Items in the backpack still apply the x2 cd, so TP now has 140sec cd instead of 70sec.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Supports can have casual wind lace orbV and blightmini deso
                          Carries can now lane with more iron branches or faeries fire or sth
                          Later might even bring a CASUAL wraith band or sth
                          You can put tp on the ground for it to CD or sth
                          It might not be imbalance since everyone benefits from it but it's really unnecessary to make the game mechanics harder if volvo wants more new players

                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                          casual gamer

                            what ar eyou smoking that you think backpack needs a fucking buff

                            Vem Comigo

                              No we need a key to move itens from and to the backpack as fast as possible