General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 mid 50x winstreak

1v1 mid 50x winstreak in General Discussion
Won't care, Don't care. XD

    i think i will do this with disruptor


      Till you run into a viper/huskar that stands on your hill lvl 1 and you can't do anything.

      Won't care, Don't care. XD

        then i must find a way to beat it.


          Just hit the enemy till they cower in fear. Disruptor can zone a huskar lvl 1 hard enough to make him back, same with viper. U bring a crap ton of regen, and clarities, and keep thunderstriking, because they both hit hard but they cant take hits well either. Not lvl 1, without their defensive skill.


            jakiro, izi win, the few who can win the fight fest, cann't deal with his push.

            The number 1 best would probably be brood, but some matchup are really hard if you don't control you hero well enough (like ds/sk/axe) and you can be cheesed by shadow shaman aswell.

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              whats the point of doing this with disruptor?


                How do u know when u win?

                Won't care, Don't care. XD

                  so i can master disruptor, and know what item build for the best or situational


                    mastering disruptor doesnt come from playing him 1v1 on mid

                    Won't care, Don't care. XD

                      yes i know 1v1 with disruptor is far away from the real game scenario, i just want to feel :
                      1. how to play disruptor mid.
                      2. what is the best item to fight certain hero.
                      3. what items suit better for disruptor generally.

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                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^Doesn't purely come but is one thing you should able to do it if u want master a hero.

                        Won't care, Don't care. XD

                          ^i don't accept any jungler here

                          or maybe i should try disruptor jungle :thinking:

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            Still has nothing to do with realistic situation where you play support.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^Shh he is 1K just leave him be , don't give him any tips.

                              Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                at least i am not asking how to get VHS, or should i go with the how to VHS thread first? :thinking:


                                  Hmm really makes you think :thinking:


                                    you can do it with bane jakiro brood without even knowing how to press buttons, they win against almost anything without a question

                                    but that's not the point of it.

                                    idk why you'd want to do it with disruptor, as he's not really a laner.

                                    now, even though disruptor is a shitty hero, i can't say no to him because the guy who did manage to beat me during my contest was a disruptor '-'

                                    Natural- Selection

                                      highskill brood beat 1x1 everyone


                                        Brood is one of the best laner in the game if not the best. Some 2k noob is worse than 1k. I have a game where i go 5-0 in 5min vs cm and slark. Point is to push your limit when you are trying 1vs1 like picking brood to axe


                                          I beat a 3k (high skill) brood as sf


                                            Disruptor mid is actually ok. Seen some pros do it

                                            Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                              yea fx got the point, i want to face what i don't want to face when i play in real game scenario, so 1v1 mid is the best since, it is shorter game, and no one flame when i fail.