General Discussion

General DiscussionRip 60% winrate techies

Rip 60% winrate techies in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    I will re meme ber you. Will you re meme ber me? I would like to dedicate myself to satan so that he can up my techies win rate again.


      lul ur techie is bad


        be gone foul creature


          how do u win with this hero without getting to 50+ mins


            Best way to Techies in 7.00+

            Max q, Max E, skip ulti until you are close to aghs. Apply pressure across the river as often as possible. I vary in preference between force staff and aghs as first item after soul ring and mana boot.

            Most of my 30 min games as Techies I'm not the reason we win, just a part of it. The games I feel like a strong, independent Techies who don't need no carry, those games go 45+.


              The best games as Techies are the ones you win in 40:00 because everyone is afraid to go to your carry's lane and they just freefarm and shitstomp

              Optimus Drip

                Get necro and travels and push for ur team. Be a better prophet and rat like no tomorrow. -60 second respawn