General Discussion

General DiscussionSo furion is the new garbage hero?

So furion is the new garbage hero? in General Discussion


    Whenever i say ill pick him and mark woods ppl start freaking out lmao

    casual gamer

      yeah one of the worst in the game


        not fun without +6treants

        Giff me Wingman

          he was always garbage, since the 6.84 patch.


            @Danishblunt agreed, his skillset is ok, but his stat grow is so poor, his win rate speaks for him.. i hardly believe that he need a rework..


              what changed in 6.84? the last 6.xx patch i played was 6.81 i believe


                Pikes are too relevant and so is aoe skills. Every hero has some form of aoe now.

                Optimus Drip

                  idk if you get like a 7 minute dagon and max teleport its garunteed kills early game. not saying this works even most of the time. .... but say if there is a legion on your team. almost guaranteed duels

                  Giff me Wingman

                    6.84 was the in your face deathball at minute 5 patch.
                    Lesh and OD.

                    Livin' Real Good

                      OD wasnt even picked in that meta.

                      It was all Storm, Lina, Leshrac, Queen, and Shadow fiend, the big 5. Many teams would almost always pick Queen and SF on the same team if they could, especially Secret. lol

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        I feel like furions skill cap is deceptively high. Just look at bulldog play the hero, he is in a bad spot but bulldogs skill level with that hero is so high he sort of makes up for it. I think people just suck at positioning and dont understand how the hero works and shit, for fucks sake i dont know how tf to play that hero. He is definetly bad but i feel like people suck at the hero too.


                          He need the same amount of money that alch need to out carry the enemy. No damage whatsoever


                            What hurts the most is those ns shits who keep using his ulti to farm.


                              Not a particularly scary split pusher. Not much global presence as b4. Need too many items n no dmg.


                                One of coolest hero in game lol.

                                Erdal Kömürcü

                                  I've played with him alot and won most of them in this patch actually he is pretty well if you take 3 of runes at least you can get your midas in 5mins and use ulti to stealing kills

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                    Most furion players are afk the whole game and do nothing but feed treant gold


                                      Ehh he was okay on 6.85
                                      After that he died


                                        Also jungling is meh right now


                                          To be somewhat successful as furion you must absolutely be active in early game. Which is hard to do for most ppl while their jungling their life away

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            Fusion jungle is tard,even riki is better jungler then furion

                                            Won't care, Don't care. XD


                                              edit : ^wrong

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                jungling in 2k17


                                                  garbage hero definitely not my fault i got 20% winrate on him KAPAPAKPAPKA


                                                    When u jungle np u know ur retarded. Why jungle a hero who can force someone out of lane with treants. Just treant at start of game then do it in lane for 4 treants, then aggro on enemy. Theyll draw enemy creep aggro so ur wave will double up, and ull fuck with the enemy fast. Go quick phase boots i think, after that its variable. Np can build a shitton of items. I think you just have to abuse his farming speed, he used to be a lot better, especially when Alliance won starladder and bulldog played mostly np, with the third highest average gpm of the entire tournament playing as solo offlane, i think he bet rtz while he was playing safe carry, but im not sure. Nahaz made a vid on that old starladder, and bulldog performed insanely well with np.

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Jungle riki is good riki,type tree


                                                        Jungle riki good riki
                                                        Phantom riki best riki
                                                        Rizky riki bestest riki


                                                          Go offlane you morons, I guarantee if you have any micro ability at all crushing pub dual lanes should be ezpz.


                                                            good luck getting a safe lane with furion!

                                                            i bet it'll net you at least 2 reports and an intentional feeder



                                                              we said offlane, not safelane



                                                                oh my god i actually cant read, i was reading safelane all the time and was like wtf are these guys telling me?