General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas for QOP

Midas for QOP in General Discussion
Kaiki Deishu

    So guys how about early Midas for QOP? you now for fast level 25.

    Any thought about this.


      Midas on a hero who needs a lot of farm and wants to fight early but needs said farm to do so = instant garbage


        Completely outclassed by veil into blademail octarine or something.


          its funny how daddy talks so much bout this game but havent played like 2 months...

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            But it's true
            QoP midas is garbage
            You might as well get a Shadow Blade and join fights early I will be less tilted


              isnt that like the exact opposite of what you should be doing as qop


                arguable with lvl 25 talent though

                casual gamer

                  is it good? :thinking:


                    hmm really makes you think :thinking:


                      am I cool now guys


                        well in order for midas being good on qop
                        qop would have to be good in first place



                          why not


                            Im not gonna explain my dota situation everytime but ill tell u this that by mid june i shud be able to play again


                              triplesteal halt mal deine fresse du blödes drecksschwanzgesicht. keiner will deinen dummern arschkommentare hören. bitte lass dich vergewaltigen und danach bring dich selber um, danke!

                              Kaiki Deishu

                                Ohhhhh so its not good on her building Midas early. Ok


                                  Would Midas get you to level 25 faster than fighting would? Nuker hero like QOP gets a lot of gold and exp from last hitting heroes, no? I mean, for 700 gold more than midas you can get a dagon and kill almost any hero really fast, if you want to invest in gold and exp.


                                    Dont buy a fucking dagon on qop ffs


                                      omg just build early veil and you'll be fine. what you do after is blademail like every other champ in 7.xx and somehow win