General Discussion

General Discussiontips for alchemist @ dark moon

tips for alchemist @ dark moon in General Discussion

    pick techies

    plant 25 barrels @ 1 spot and lure all alchemist there and blast.

    buy octarine and bloodstone.

    start planting at round 11.

    have treant/ds/underlord in team for root and sustain.


      Is the update already live or you guys are trying it out on test client?

      [K]nighttime ඞ

        its already live @bws


          tiny+ dusa the alchemist die in maybe 7 seconds. if techies is good at invoker then maybe worth trying


            Techies is quite good it invo sumail got invo from 50-20% in stacked mines


              techie need 166 barrels to kill lord magus.

              with 25% cd reduction as well as reduction from octarine, u have 5.625 sec per remote mine.

              you need to plant 166 to kill big invoker, which will take 15 mins just to plant it, but mines only last 10 minutes.

              so plantin around 100 should be ok, which will damage invoker for 600*100 @ 60k dmg since invoker has 0% magic resistance.

              there he will be left with 40k hp + octarine.