General Discussion

General Discussionwhat should i do why we lose this game

what should i do why we lose this game in General Discussion

    Put boots into back pack and get blink.
    Abbysal over skadi to blink and kill invo in 1st few sec in tf. And bkb over linkens.
    W8 for clock to go on one of the hero and position your self to blink abbysal invo


      I think you have a teamwipe at anypoint in the game. Try get rosh with dat snd push mid to win the game


        Abyssal blade
        Also dogshit item timings, maybe work on your efficiency, can't see anything other than that unless I watch the whole game which I won't do because I can't and don't want to


          Item : abbysal blade bkb blink butter manta ac/mjonir


            Also with that kind of farm you should be able to end the game alone
            You either didn't do well enough in teamfight, died on a crucial point, or didn't do much on an opportunity window (enemy core dead, all lanes pushed, etc)


              jugg is kinda weak vs those heroes
              i dont think u should go sphere maybe better bkb or blink and difusal 2 ofc and abysal switch with treads

              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                Bkb instead of linkens, and maybe you should sold manta at that point and get cuiras or satanic.