General Discussion

General DiscussionBye luna hi jugg

Bye luna hi jugg in General Discussion

    Fuck luna boring hero time for some jugg

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      Bye ez mmr


        You'll be a fine student


          any hero that isnt techies isnt fun


            why not shadowfeed


              Pfft bws carried by 2k shit morph. Sure techies sure alice


                jugg is shit vs slark luna and weaver 3 imba meta heroes


                  Slark and weaver meta hero lul. Slark is very underwhelming and weaver is normal vs jugg


                    Jug can shit on slark Wtf. jug can be pretty ass vs a weaver tho.


                      who rekts a weaver?


                        Tanky high armor carries who stun and deal constant dmg. Maybe dk? I like radiance against weaver? U cant rlly timelapse that dmg.

                        casual gamer

                          isnt jugg ultra boring though

                          casual gamer

                            tb > jug maybe

                            jug seems like a carry that is ok no matter what, never amazing unless he pulls ahead in NW considerably. i guess free magic immunity can be ultra game winning if they hav eno bash because they cant stop you from afk ratting for 30 minutes

                            i dont play against a lot of jug though so my opinion isnt worth much

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              That does tb have advantage of jugg. Faster farming by a bit? How is jugg late game vs tb. I think jugg is a good aegis carrier while tb not. Who got superior laning phase tb or jugg.

                              Tbh i think jugg is more fun than luna because when you are ahead you can kill 3 guy with omnislash and you can be a good guy with healing ward instead of only having 1 nuke and you afk farm for 20 min(luna)


                                Fx still feeling pro because he "carried" me when I was playing my worst role on one of my worst heroes lul

                                casual gamer

                                  high armor + multiple units + sunder

                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                      he can be played bot as well i think


                                        I'm getting kind of sick of Jugg. When was the last patch where he wasn't good?


                                          6.84? But only because there were OP shitfucks to pick back then

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Jug is consistently good, the utility of healing ward will always keep him as a top carry, plus he always scales well with crit. I do find him boring though, maybe not as boring as sven or wraith king.