General Discussion

General DiscussionEblade ember

Eblade ember in General Discussion

    So i heard of not going mael on ember because he need to fight a lot. And if he need a good single target damage eblade should be the item to go. Why? Eblade triple remnants kills almost every hero in the game. Phantom ember lul


      shut up

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Yeah... but maelstrom is cheaper and widely used
        What situation makes you give up an early advantage :/


          There is a fat child who solo carry enemy team? You need eblade triple remnants and to kill him and all of his team becomes useless


            Or a weaver you wait for inv to go on cd then eblade triple remnants so he cant use ult


              Dagon best.




                  I can imagine eblade as a late game luxury, but early game, especially against a weaver, u wont be able to burst him without disable, so a radiance to wither him away seems better to me. Something like veil > BoT > blink > radiance > octarine > mjollnir


                    the question is, radiance or maelstrom on ember?


                      the answer is, both.


                        No usually maelstrom is better cuz it has a better buildup and because it is cheaper and suits a more active role. However radiance shines in scenarios where ur rlly hard to kill, and DoT is preferable to the maelstrom procs like against ta and weaver


                          yes, why not.

                          also a dagon


                            lets go aether lens on him ;)


                              @ Jacked (af) never build an radiance with him, sometimes i do reason is it costs alot and the mjollnir iz way better than radiance. i always go linkens and manta for defensiive and straight up mjollnir EZ WIN


                                Isnt radiance superior to mjollnir against ta and weaver. Also imo the attack speed from mjollnir is inferior to damage from rad. However, mjollnir is usually better cuz the buildup is nicer.


                                  mjollnir chain lightning with octarine core is best for me

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                                      Im just asking abt specific matchups where rad is better than mjollnir


                                        Radi is best when the fight goes long and you can get close enough for rad burn. But radi is way less effective because you dont really get near enough for the burn. Just think that eblade ember is some kind of eblade mirana. And ghost scepter is a good item in general.


                                          I prefer having eblade for weaver and if you cast it fast enough weaver wont be able to do fast enough to react. And we are talking about 900 dmage nuke with 65% spell implications.


                                            Dude, weaver just has to time lapse or shukuchi while ur throwing remnants fyi. Burst isnt good against him without disable.


                                              How does someone as mobile as ember not be close enough for rad?


                                                Bloodtorn is better most of the time but sometimes you need eblade for extra burst. My playstyle would be blink initiation and get to the backline and burst whoever i can with triple remnant


                                                  I think i am wrong about the not close enough for rad burn. But in most fight ember need to burst and end the fight quickly especially vs ld sniper invoker(counter to ember in lane) if you are playing to prolong the fight i think rad is way better than mjonir. Eblade triple remnant deals 1200 damage after reduction and veil. Blink triple remnant a ld is a dead ld


                                                    lol i wasnt joking sumail does both radi and mael at once

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                                                      1200 damage triple remnant is bad btw.
                                                      just pick a lion if you wanna do that mate, aghs veil aether lens finger is 1300+ damage after reductions (no pipe) on 20 seconds cooldown.

                                                      that said, magic ember is good purely because of the flame guard and searing chains of course.

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                                                        His kit of kiting and the damage on remnant is good. Mind that it is almost without any item that ember deal a shitton of damage


                                                          Btw i think eblade is very very situational where u want more burst damage


                                                            Nah late game after octarine mjollnir/rad it is situational. Along with shivas, bloodthorn, linkens, even a dagon and shit. Thing is the nuke dmg in and of itself is useful, cuz the agility tied to eblade is more valuable than the trash ass stats of dagon.