General Discussion

General DiscussionDiffusal Blade or Butterfly on TB?

Diffusal Blade or Butterfly on TB? in General Discussion

    I tried the following builds with metamorphosis active;
    PT - Pike - BKB - Manta - Skadi / Diffusal; The hero alone has 1170DPS. The hero + 2 skill illusions + 2 Manta illusions have 2800DPS.
    PT - Pike - BKB - Manta - Skadi / Butterfly; The hero alone has 1240DPS. The hero + 2 skill illusions + 2 Manta illusions have 2900DPS.
    Both builds provide 41.8 armor. So there's no the difference in that regard.

    Diffusal burns mana and Fly provides evasion. Both seems useful to me but can someone tell me why Fly is way way more popular than Diffusal for TB?


      It's going to rely on the enemy lineup.


        Because butterfly is more dps and it gives move speed and evasion is way way more valuable than mana burn. Not to mention u can still buy both. Ive seen ee go diffusal often but they nerfed its illusion dmg. Diffusal is good early, maybe after manta and before pike. But afterwards it falls off a bit unless ur against svens or ogre the purge doesnt help to increase ur dps drastically. I kinda just spouting shit, but there is a reason diff is priced cheaper than butterfly.


          diff is cheaper and provides 35 agility. Its really good for its price and its good for mid game stuff. Butterfly is better lategadme but its buildup is chunky and its expensive. also diff mana burn and purge is good


            The issue with diffusal is that your slots fill up really quickly on this hero and overall you'd prefer to have a full butterfly over a diffu blade. That being said it is very underbought and I always bought it last patch, now after nerfs I think it is situational if you need cheap damage.


              how do you kill things without diffusal unless you walk into people and use meta in front of their faces

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                i'm not sure arin but i think u use the active on heroes =)

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                      @PIG I saw a VHS TB built Fly over Diffusal blade while facing Storm Spirit and Spectre. I mean if not then, when?
                      @Best Lifestealer Brisbane yeah, when I play the hero I feel like I need another 6 slots because he benefits from so many little/cheap good items like Aquila, Poor Man's Shield, Dominator, Lance and with boots, 5 slots are taken already before 15 min mark.
                      The very reason why I feel like this is Diffusal is very cheap item compared to Fly IMO. Eaglesong provides 25 agility for 3200 gold and you can get that 25 agility from level 1 Diffusal for 50 gold less while getting +10 intelligence, 50 manaburn / 40 damage. And since Diff is not a single item, you'll get there faster. This alone makes me feel like Diffusal Blade getting cheated on.


                        i'm not sure arin but i think u use the active on heroes =)

                        use Q
                        people walk away because the slow actually doesn't do anything and you're 50 times slower in form

                        im honestly astounded how people manage to solo carry games with terrorblade in pubs even with terrible teammates
                        how does it happen that opponents dont walk up to you in >=3 people while you're splitpushing and burst you in one second

                        or that they dont just ignore you and take your two lanes while you get to T3s

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                            and if you dont use main hero to achieve things then you're just eating great amount of space and you're nothing but a nuisance to enemy team while you annoy them with your illusions by skipping waves or whatever

                            it's like tinker except that tinker with aghs lens can actually destroy a teamfight or a hg push by smashing buttons


                              im quite annoyed by the fact that im missing something big regarding this hero and i dont know what it is

                              guess it's my destiny to be a 4k tard for eternity

                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                  tb has highest ranged dps in the game when farmed, also all his abilities scale

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    before pike was added i was rly annoyed that u get kited super hard and then ur meta ends and u suck dick
                                    i havent played this hero since the addition but i think now u just pike into some1s face and diffusal them

                                    honestly idk hows this hero even playable without bkb, i always got bkb after yasha+drum(baci when it was a good item), after sny at the latest, but ppl seem to manage quite well without it


                                      He is a glass cannon before his bkb or skadi. I dont like pike unless you fight vs pa or gap closing hero. But i really like diffusal because the agi it gives and it is good to end the game early. I prefer diffusal to get very glass cannon and blast everyone.


                                        treads manta difusal skadi butter/bkb monkey / another butter


                                          u get diffus way more often, and earlier to
                                          u dont care about people running away from u tho, u just stay at ur place and destroy buildings and heroes occasionally running into ur attack range


                                            butter becuase its damage works on buildings and diffu mana burn does not? idk just a thought


                                              choice basically depends on the carrys/nukers in the opposition , more the casters(spell users ) more they need mana , get diffusal no point in getting evasion and armour granted by butterfly .on the other hand, if they have physical dmg carrys ie. drow pa sven mk ,surely opt for butterfly and consider getting diffusal too as it provides +35 agility which in turn grants armour


                                                They will always have a physical dmg carry or u win by default stronger late game. If not physical dmg then right click based (od, maybe silencer carry) and butterfly is still good there. Btw with BoT, manta and butterfly, giving move speed, skadi slowing enemies, and pike for range and more mobility i never find late game tb getting kited. It does happen in the laning stage tho.


                                                  @surgical against sven you need diffusal because it purges war cry which is absolutely game-winning.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    only if sven doesnt have bkb on though!

                                                    diffusal is the cheapest damage item vs towers for tb, 35 agi for barely 4k gold


                                                      @Desolated with the given builds in the 1st post;
                                                      - Diffusal build hits T1 tower with 70/71 damage per attack. (88/89 with metamorphosis)
                                                      - Butterfly build hits T1 tower with 77/78 damage per attack. (95/96 with metamorphosis)
                                                      And since illusions won't benefit from that +35 damage, I don't see a major difference in that regard.


                                                      BTW, don't you guys think Diffusal can be good against the carries those are short on mana pool alongside spellcasters? For example, If LS can not use 1 of his 2 regular skills due to manaburn, wouldn't that be a good thing, too? (comparing to evasion of course)

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Diffusal is also good if they have tanky cores and you have good setup. Hitting somebody freely for a few seconds with a diffusal can destroy their mana pool and make it impossible to turn around a teamfight. There are heroes you might not be able to kill in 2-4 seconds of stun, but you might be able to kill them if you take away all their mana, so even if they survive, they are fucking useless.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          "- Diffusal build hits T1 tower with 70/71 damage per attack. (88/89 with metamorphosis)
                                                          - Butterfly build hits T1 tower with 77/78 damage per attack. (95/96 with metamorphosis) "

                                                          butterfly has almost double the attack speed of diffusal... but if a target has mana with the burn diffusal does more dmg than butter I believe and especially does more once you pop illusions. Thing is butter gives you like 60% more ehp so it's huge for TB vs right clickers.