General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play vs treant

how to play vs treant in General Discussion

    lately i lose every match when enemies have treant protector

    could you guys kindly tell me how to play around treant and how to counter him hard?

    i have 5 reports to use

      Don't feed him like tards buy sentries and kill him when he overextends early game. Lotus orbs mid game to dispel root


        Buy Quelling Blade and make a habit to chop a tree every time its off cooldown.

        Fee Too Pee

          PL skill 2 shits on his ult


            dust win


              Afaik pl is a shit hero now


                detection pre 10 min is crucial. spam the whole lane with the sentries and he's as good as a brick, if you have a cooperative teammate.


                  U treat him like a riki. Detection (obviously), but also buy dispels, and dont travel alone at low health.

                  basement :)

                    Treant is a defensive support. He punishes aggressive strategies and diving. He has very little gank potential if he cannot close the gap. Pick carries that like to farm more. Avoid ganking the off lane. Place a ward near the enemy t1 so he can be detected before going invisible.

                    casual gamer

                      pick a strong trilane

                      plant a sentry between mid t1 and t2

                      murder him if he tries to pressure your safelane

                      murder him if he tries to snipe courier

                      keep him lvl 1-2 running around getting nothing done, then win your other lanes

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                        carry buy quelling blade at the start and cut the trees around the safe lane rune, then start cutting away all the trees that connect one side of the lane to the other
                        needless to say sentry on supports, dust if you really want to limit him but if the quelling blade is used properly he should be quite neutered in lane

                        casual gamer

                          i always start on the enemy mids rune because 1 theres less people 2 those people dont have detection and 3 bashing the enemy mid both makes him miss his block and rune


                            there are a few key trees that you can chop that prevent him crossing the river etc. go into a lobby and figure out the ones that stop him roaming without breaking invisibility.


                              wont they see you coming tho? can u link a replay where u did that i dont quite see how thats possible unless you tp or they afk in base for awhile

                              casual gamer

                                on dire they never see me coming even though i run straight through the river like a retard

                                on radiant i buy a tp to beat them to the trees near their shrine

                                radiant offlaners usually on the wrong cliff to scout me out if im dire, i stay hg until the last second when im dire to spot people coming with dust/sents

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                                  the real question is how you play treant. i tried to play because i was inspired by turtle dood. and that hero sukd


                                    k interesting ill try that in a lobby thanks

                                    basement :)

                                      JDF8, you were recently featured in the Treant guides section.

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                      casual gamer



                                          k works in lobby thx for tip

                                          BSJ. LGD

                                            wont work if i am playing mid because i will stand at the hill to scout for people trying to fuk my block KEK if u tp u should be faster tho

                                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                                            casual gamer



                                                what do u mean scout for ppl trying to fuk ur block