General Discussion

General Discussionmonkey total trash now

monkey total trash now in General Discussion

    well, monkey was the hero that was very good early game, and at late game sucked, basically what you needed to do is to prevent their safe carry from getting farm and it was key to victory. Current patch nerfed him so hard, that without armor, with a worthless lifesteal up untill like level 5 he cant haras anything, if you try to be agressive you just feed, and if you farm, late you are pretty much useless anyway against proper players. why you do this valve?
    second arc warden incoming into trash tier
    and it was such a good hero

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      waaa i can't solo kill 3 ppl 5 mins in anymore osfrog waaaa


        I think they want him to be played as a pos 2/3, not as a carry

        Although his ult is still imba even in late game


          check monkey king win rate this patch, droppping to 40% and getting complete shit award and it was 50% before, what was very much balanced basically. It was kinda same hero like slark, if he succeeded early it was easy to snowball and then to stomp game, but now, you can start that stomp from lvl 15, until that you are useless and this is total crap. It doesnt matter which position he should play, by playing it you should reach 50% win rate, and it had before and now... :)

          btw. saying that he is still imba just shows that you have no sense of the game. if other players are good its very easy to counter him, even his ulti, ezalor can push you out, pudge can hook you out, magnus can push you out, earth spirit can push you out, rubick can throw you out, axe can make you walk away, tuskar+agham ez monkey ulti, so his ulti wasn't something you made most kills with anyway, unless it was some nice combo with heroes like magnus, but now you won't be able to kill with him in neither way.

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            I think they messed up with nerfing MK.
            The only thing I EVER considered OP about the Hero was his ult. He is pretty much the same hero as Ursa - just a greater threat in the first 10 minutes - due to his mobility.
            I'd much prefer they nerfed his ult. Make it so that if he was stunned while in his ult - it cancels. Almsot as if it was a channeled spell.

            casual gamer

              just roam with oov and lvl 1 tree hop. very easy to kill people and when you scale off who cares ur just a position 4 :^)


                Tbh mk isnt that bad, i mean shit dude they nerfed early jingu dmg by 10 or so(lvl 1). Wow BabyRage he sux now wowowowow. I mean its not like he has a 40% slow for 4 seconds lvl 1, and scales better than any roamer the world has seen. Its not like he can still perma bash inside ulti. Its not like he cant walk up to the enemy safelane and still kill it. He isnt imba but ffs calm down.


                  Jd do u max jingu or stun when playing pos 4 mk?

                  casual gamer

                    im pretty sure you nhave to max the stun

                    i dont play roaming mk but i see it semi often

                    this guy legit killed invoker 4-5 times in lane rofl

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                      Ye so i was thinking lvl 1 tree dance, lvl 2 stun, lvl 3 jingu, then max stun then jingu then tree dance. U can itemize just like regular mk, but maybe fit in a utility item. Im still confused if its ok for support mk to pick up a hood against ember or vlads for the team aura. Diffusal seems nice too cuz u can slow and mana burn in ur ulti.


                        daddy: his damage was nerfed by 25, and in the same time his jingu mastery lifesteal was rescaled from 30/40/50/60 to 15% ls at first level.
                        so when you hit enemy at level 1 for example and your passive turns on (i count on minimum damage done here which is 52 for mk) you will return yourself only 19 hitpoints. and before it was 46 almost. This disables the need for you to hit enemy 4 times, since even if you will enable your passive, it will be shit and you won't be able to harras enemy with it, you will still get easy fucked.

                        casual gamer

                          go watch someone high mmr play it i guess. im pretty sure you still rush echo and skill jingu at lvl 2 usually. 75 damage versus a .5s stun and 120% damage or whatever


                            but what you say, is just some random bullshit bro, why don't you try and play it, i just see that you have no real feel for the hero :) and all 3 of his skills are a must for him to have, if you are in offlane solo, which was my role before this shitty patch.


                              How is 55 bonus dmg lvl 1 not good? R u blind? And it becomes 60% lifesteal lategame. Tbh this merf wasnt needed but its a rescaling, lowering his early game insanity and making his late game better. With lvl 15 and jingu max he has much more dmg and lifesteal. Ur basically saying that because he cant go around 3v1ing and slaughtering the enemy carry it suddenly makes him trash. Tbh even his late game pre 7.02 was good it just depended on u initiating first, then landing a good ulti. Now its better.


                                Fuck MK.
                                I am glad if that's true.


                                  GOOD! Was about time to put in dumpster that shit monkey clown fiesta...

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                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    Ya,still MK can 1 hit kill full HP support


                                      MK should be added to CM. No reason to leave him out now


                                        ^ NEVER!


                                          @JDF8, I feel as though I am a better Invoker player than that guy. Lmao.

                                          casual gamer

                                            he mustve been tilted lmao, has nothing to do with his hero and everything to do with not going jungle after dying 4 times in lane


                                              I mean, when you are that far behind in the lane, you need to get more stat items; raindrops, finish RoA, drums.
                                              For some reason he even went with stat booster over any of those choices.


                                                Roamers always tilt midlaners

                                                casual gamer

                                                  yeah but dying 5 times in lane is extremely abnormal just because ur getting roamed on, usually people completely ditch the lane and farm jungle while a support saps xp and tries to not feed


                                                    Ye ur in 5k where people have brains. I was playing sven once and i died 5 times to ck and ns. But then i bought iron talon, jungled and smashed that game lmao.


                                                      im not even sure if you daddy are trolling or are just plain idiot. Yes, his damage stats will even at level 15 to the previous before (in cost of 275 health to be precise, which i always took), but do you understand that it is level 15? when no laning is possible and monkey king was strongest in the laning stage at best 1v1, or 1v2 with enemy not having stuns/disables, in 5v5 combat his damage value has much less use, and basically his ability to dominate lane is completely taken away.

                                                      and those who say that 55 dmg lvl 1 is good are not thinking, you get this damage after 4 hits, and these 4 hits doesnt just come, you have to hit enemy for it, you have to be agressive, you have to receive damage yourself and with shitty 15% heal, there is no use from that damage, because you have taken too much damage already and will just die.


                                                        oOOKk AaaaAAAK


                                                          Does this really affect you? I mean, with a 43% winrate on that hero before this nerf was even implemented, it means you were crap at using him when he was a lane dominator anyway. Might actually be better for your future teammates if you are not going to pick him anymore.

                                                          Shots fired. | |•) •_•) ( •_•)>⌐□-□ (⌐□_□)

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            there is always the lvl 10 jingu talent for you to catch up 1 shotting supports

                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                              he was always trash, the only time he's good is when enemy supports are mongols and just feeds nonstop


                                                                pretty much what strawberry said.

                                                                He needs 4 hits before he can nuke. All you have to do is not playing like you have autism and just hit mk so he dies. People tend to be scared of MK so they let them get hit instead of just killing him.


                                                                  I guess the hero concept is he's supposed to be hiding in trees and making surprise attacks. Seeing as he wasn't supposed to be farming then he had strong abilities.

                                                                  This was abused as he was imba and now people who want to play him will actually have to be a roamer.


                                                                    Make arc warden good again