General Discussion

General DiscussionImproving is hard.

Improving is hard. in General Discussion


    I have played maybe 300 games with my friends on a different acount. I got callibrated at 1000 mmr. I was never trying to improve and didnt take it too serious, but now i want to improve. I have been watching alot of guides, my own replays and pro matches recently. But I have a few problems:
    Most guides are saying kind off the same thing. Be positive, watch your replays and pro's, etc. But I don't really know what to look for when im watching myself or pro's play. I don't know if just playing is enough, I think if I want to improve I need to know what to improve and I am having trouble finding out how to improve those things: For example mechanics (don't even really get the therm.), item builds etc. Does someone have some tips for me?

    ✪ Ben Dover

      first of all improve your farm and map awareness. with bfury carries you should get 300cs/30 mins. 5 cs/min for the first 10 minutes is a must have. map awareness means checking minimap, even you dont have wards. you should feel when to push and when to go back or tp for a fight. if you see 3-4 players on another lane, you can push. if they start a good fight near a TP spot for you, go do something. if not, push and try to force their tps back for you. if your team was 4v5, and 2 of them tp after you, your team can win 4v3 (small chances in solo mmr, but in theory this should happen)

      you should watch miracle's AM plays. see how he pushes a lane, cleans jungle, moves to another lane and so on.

      mechanics mean simply game moves. for example youre slark and youre running perpedicular to an enemy, not straight chasing him. you want to pounce and catch him. it also means using creeps agro in your advantage to last hit or just pull lane. it also means priority in stacking and cleaning camps. if you clean a wave on safelane and the next is about to come, you stay for it. if youre on radiant safelane, and gotta get a camp between 2 waves, you go for the big one. it also means using your skills smart
      example: youre 1v1 on lane with pa against another melee. you dont want to throw dagger and blink on him. you trade hits and lower him, then use the burst from dagger/blink in your advantage.
      im playing in 2k now and i see this a lot. im full hp in lane, and enemy slark suddenly decides to q and pounce me. i simply run away. if i was 40% hp and slark still had his skills... that would have been a problem.


        Thanks! Will keep these things in mind.


          ^Mentions Battlefury and Antimage in 7.02 - lmfao.

          This is the best general DotA guide out there - but it was made back in patch 6.x

          If I find a 7.0 guide that is really good, I'll post it for you.

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            ✪ Ben Dover

              well, im new to 7.0 aswell, but i gave him an example on farm. i have learned to farm on TA like 3 years ago from dragonfist's play. i went from 4cs/min to 7-8 the very first game after watching him. min 12 deso before recipe price was lowered. with just this improvement and TA/slark spam i went from 2,8 to around 3,5k in like 2 weeks. this after struggling with high 2k for some months.

              casual gamer

                improving is very hard, but thats why it is rewarding

                white boy summer

                  you are the few who doesnt give up and go play lol


                    making plays is important, but to make plays you have to have good team, teleports to towers, rotation, help, supports sacrafising to save caries etc. but you won't get that in 1k dotas. Where you need to improve to raise your mmr is farming, just learn to farm proper, rest will become much easier.


                      Just playing snd watching pro games seems to do the trick for me, but I think I'm only improving slowly. If you have enough money to afford dotabuff+/game leap you should probably get ahead of me with enough time

                      Use chatwhell=mute

                        One thing. Lowe mmr ppl dont focus buildigs. Killing heroes dont win games. But towers does

                        Ave with an internet pfp

                          Improving is not hard if you know how to . And do it


                            I kept getting unreasonably high amount of tower damage in 2k bracket because nobody else does rofl


                              Try to think WHY pros do certain things instead of thinking WHAT are they doing


                                improving is easy, it's all in mind



                                  improving is rly hard, 1 calibrated at 1032 mmr 14 months ago i climbed 500 mmr for a year
                                  and made second account calibrated at 2970.
                                  It's been 9 games so far after calibrating and still haven't touched 3k :/


                                    I believe AM should still build BF, haven't seen an alternative build that doesn't make you a shitter version of PA/Jugg.


                                      Thanks for all the responses!


                                        @ Bible Trump I calibrated at 1.6K and I've peaked at 2.8K in less than a year, currently at 2.5K LUL. If you are interested check out some stuff I'm posting on my blog- which is my own experience on improving and figuring out dotes


                                        It's bare bones currently, I'll continue adding more content over the week. Would help if you guys could provide some feedback! I'm looking to improve with the help of community. In future posts I want to discuss some of the concepts and heroes from my viewpoint and help other below 3k players to improve.

                                        I posted the link only as a relevant source :)

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                                          I can only hit creeps and I'm climbing
                                          Learn how to hit creeps guys