General Discussion

General DiscussionI cannot win anymore. I need some advice.

I cannot win anymore. I need some advice. in General Discussion

    I went from winning most games and raising my mmr by 300 to losing every game and going down 300 mmr. I don't know what the hell happened. Any advice on how to end my losing streak would be much appreciated. Also I know that I am 2k trash and a noob, and should git gud.

    doc joferlyn simp

      Hero versatility gets you nowhere.

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Have u tried jungle Lycan?


          stop playing 40 different heros.

          stick to 2 heros for your preferred roles (best not heros that get countered by the same things)

          heros that you're good with.

          i. e.
          -ursa jungle or safe
          -troll or sk off
          -cm supp
          -razor mid

          just an example


            Thanks for the advice so far.


              just focus on 2 or 3 hero


                have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

                casual gamer

                  just pick a few heroes who u are a baller at and do ur best to keep positive mental aspect and focus on what u can do to win in each individual game

                  reflect on how u couldve played differently if u lose but dont kill urself over it


                    my opinion : stay positive. honestly, don't try say a single word that would hurt them in any way, try spam a couple of op heroes that are in the meta and can win you easy mmr and also keep grinding my n word


                      As far as I know, this types of winning/loosing streak are happening from time to time. Playing a lot of different heroes will give you a more broad knowledge of the game, how specific hero and his spells and mechanics works. Focusing on specific heroes and playing them often will make you better understand of their strenghts and weaknesses. My current strategy which works for me quite well recently for raising MMR is attempt to blend the best into the team pick with consideration of enemy heroes, focusing on teamfight presence and aura carrying and warding. Usually I'm starting as a support with transition to core which helps me to be better in mid/late game.


                        @Cookie. I don't offend you, but why u respond ? have you tried destroying the enemy ancient? you can surely give an advice, as u are VHS player. Is that hard ? Just by watching his recent games u get an idea about the player. Please try this. No offense.

                        Catsys Rivers

                          Buy 10 clarity potions on Mirana and run around till the 10 minute mark blasting 5 second EFF-U's at anyone standing still. I don't know about winning at first, but you'll learn how to win lanes like a first rate asshole, let me tell you! And winning will come naturally when you git gud at this specialization. I have yet to reach this level of mastery.


                            yes, but have you tried destroying the ancient akki-?


                              Lol Cookie I have indeed tried to destroy the ancient, but clearly to no avail.


                                i think you need to try harder to destroy that enemy ancient


                                  I'll try. I'm just going to abandon my team and rat as clinkz.


                                    well just analyze your random game (as a 2k scrub too)
                                    you died 2much = your item build is bad, instead of going glimmer you buy lens (that could save your life many many times) try to position yourself better, as a support you die toomuch in all games i see on your page (same for core roles) try to focus on that and maybe you'll get better


                                      you die alot alot alot
                                      try die under 10 deaths with suport and see what happens


                                        It's halfterm.


                                          OP, here's a simple solution.

                                          Don't pick garbage, pick what you're good with.

                                          Pick only Sand King, Ursa, CM, etc.
                                          Don't pick the heroes, which you don't feel.

                                          Hero and role versatility kills rating.


                                            ROLE VERSATILITY KILLS MMR HAHAHHA LMAO
                                            just cause u know only 2 heroes dont mean for us all

                                            I know many 7ks play all roles and know every hero equally good just some ppl like Dendi w33 Blazemon they stick for 1 lane and heroes but still ur comment is beyond stupid


                                              At your mmr counterpicks shouldn't be an issue. If you want to stay focused on improving then you can firstpick a hero every game. Firstpick a hero for 20 games in a row and try to do research about it and learn as much as you can. Then firstpick another similar hero for 20 games (at least same role). Then another hero. Then another hero. Then another hero. Vuala. You learned to play 5 heroes for a role. Pick another role and do the same. In 500 games you will have a pool of 5 heroes for each role that you're proficient with.
                                              Good luck


                                                Obviously that's just my experience.
                                                Nowhere did I say that my statement is the ultimate truth.
                                                Also, 7ks and pros are extreme outliers.

                                                We're talking pub scrub level here. Be realistic.

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  Yo cookie, why do you always buy tranq on sk? He almost always has mana issues early game


                                                    because he needs the HP regen to stay offlane.


                                                      ^^mana boots are just not worth it since its so hard to get them unless you have uncontested farm plus they delay blink considerably while not providing utility like movespeed and health regen.
                                                      Also tranqs + magic wand or tranqs + raindrops are providing sufficient mana regen while offering more utility and are much more costeffective

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      basement :)

                                                        I reached 4.5k without hero spamming, but I am spamming now because I cannot climb higher.