General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad from 3k to 4k. No thanks to DOTABUFF's toxicity

Road from 3k to 4k. No thanks to DOTABUFF's toxicity in General Discussion

    When an average MMR player asks you for advice, you have 2 choices. You either:
    Give him advice to the best of your ability
    Close the post and take your toxicity elsewhere.

    Not trying to be a dick about it, but I've been posting on these forums for forever now, and all I've gotten was "git gud/5k games still 3k haha/shitty winrate, you suck/uninstall/etc". Last time I asked for advice here was at 3.2k MMR. Here I am at 4.1k. Its frustrating to still see this kind of crap still going around. Grow up.
    My point here is, I don't really care what MMR any of you are. When I ask for friendly advice, FRIENDLY advice is what I'm usually looking for, not typical dota cancer, I get enough dosage of that in game. People who seek help, truly deserve help, because they are ready/committed to becoming better, and we should help them, not bring them down.

    Personally, I would never ask for advice from here again.




        For example ^



          casual gamer

            the only time im every intentionally unhelpful is if its a rage thread about shitty teammates or whatever. if someone genuinely wants to improve im going to give a real answer unlike certain people :V


              Keep your head above the toxicity bro. Not everyone is like that


                I mean there are a lot of toxic 4-5ks here with big egos and zero EQ. But u just gotta learn to ignore them


                  Im with you on that subject..


                    I don't know why this guy is such a bitch. I gave him a legitimate answer to his question about SK mana boots and 15 minutes later he makes a thread like this one

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Good luck on your climb bro




                          the only toxic people in serious threads are the 2ks and benao

                          casual gamer

                            benao xd


                              @ywn. Apology accepted.

                              2ks just give bad advice. Then ppl who know better post dumb unhelpful comments 70% of the time. But it's best not to generalize too much. There's a lot of valuable forum contributors, so OP must be high or some shit.


                                The most toxic people here are the dunning kruger 2-3k's and the blue star auts who comment "normal skill xD" on every thread with my goddamn post in it.


                                  Why cant blue stars be like jd or cuki.



                                    Visita Hari Danta

                                      git gud

                                      basement :)

                                        Most of the posters in the how-to-get-x-mmr threads think or at least imply they deserve better. There was only 1 poster, around 900 mmr, that I genuinely wanted to help.


                                          its quite simple OP. there are about 15 people on this forum that give helpful advice on a regular basis. The rest are negative assets and you just need to ignore them.


                                            Who said I was talking about you @muted? I was talking in general. A ton of posts with the same shitty comments.


                                              I rarely or never seen a post where a guy who genuinely wants to improve gets shat by the community (including myself, I never do that)
                                              Most of the toxic replies are given to trash delusional smurfs
                                              Either you got unlucky where the cool dudes weren't around or you're just overly sensitive
                                              Nice climb btw


                                                you are right dude, most of dota2 player are sick, touched by toxicity and selfishnesss, god bless you and i hope u get better more and improve yourself sooner than later.


                                                  except jdf8 lately, no one gives actual advice here.

                                                  the ones that do try are low mmr and give terrible advice.

                                                  the rest of us higher mmr players just don't care because the same questions were answered so many times that it's a waste of time to answer them, because everyone is too lazy to search.


                                                    At least we try to instead of dropping "trash haHAA" and doesn't give anything else


                                                      Blue star syndrome is when you've played the game too much and know More about the game than you cAre to communicate about what u know. Or you know more than your autism will allow you to express what is it you exactly know about the minute insignificant aspects of the game that make you 5k. It's hard being that good, I can relate.


                                                        lets dick around


                                                          well i kinda try help people that seem to have the will to receive my help or anyones advice, but u know been posting here since 2013-14 i dont remember and i see the same threads all day, google search can show u the answers just search something and put dotabuff next to it.
                                                          also when i see someone thats actually bad himself / hasnt got the bbasic knowledge of wtf u must do in this game called dota 2; flaming, then ive got to shittalk to him like there is no tomorrow
                                                          gratz on ur 4k climb keep it up

                                                          Player 404335202

                                                            Nice thread ! I hope ppl ll take this srsly !


                                                              The early days of DB was way better.


                                                                Aren't there mods roaming the forums?


                                                                  well, ok, i guess?

                                                                  from what i remember, u are a way-above-average toxic person urself, not surprising u get the hate considering how u interact with people


                                                                    I can't really offer help to anyone since I'm really bad myself but other then that many people here who trash talk are smurfs who hit vhs and think they are very pro with a total of 40 games or something but honestly many people are genuinely friendly and helpful such as cookie who helped me a ton to improve my dota game.


                                                                      Insanity(invoker mode) is one of the people that helped me become a better player

                                                                      very good csgo player

                                                                        Bitch more plz


                                                                          I'm normal skill and I've literally never been flamed by anyone at Dotabuff. Its all about what questions you ask and how you react to the replies. Mention getting to HS/VHS or how your teammates hold you back and nobody here wants to help because that same question gets asked multiple times a day by people who want an easy way out to gaining MMR. If you ask something that can't just be found with 15 seconds on Google such as what people think of a particular item build, as long as your question is reasonable most people here will respond nicely.