General Discussion

General DiscussionWinrate vs Skill

Winrate vs Skill in General Discussion

    Why is it I come across a lot of players whose MMR + hidden MMR places them in the 3k+ range, but they have terrible winrates?

    For having 1750 matches @53-4% most of the time, I feel as though my MMR (hidden + unhidden) should be raising but as far as I can see it hasn't.
    Do I just need to play more solo ranked to get this to change? Otherwise it seems my unhidden MMR will never raise - despite winning 55-60% of games in last few months.

    BTW, my winrate is 53% not 55-60% because at 500 games I was a 46% winrate player. I decided to get good on this account and grind here instead of smurfing.

    Ця тема була відредагована
    doc joferlyn simp

      Do I just need to play more solo ranked



        not sure i understand what you're asking


          Basically, I'm still playing with 2.5k mmr players in pubs, vs 3k-4k, despite having a 55%+ winrate for months now. I'd be asking why?

          Also asking why people with sub 50% winrates + similar amount of games as me, have higher hidden MMR.

          Are pubs just a really bad way of determining your skill level + that of your opponents?

          @pitou, I hate playing ranked because often players are much more toxic there, talking shit on own teammates, throwing games, or just outright terrible.

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            winrate doesnt tell you why you're there. it just tells you where you're going. if your recent winrate is above 50%, you will eventually get there. if those 3-4ks have sub 50% winrate, it means they will drop eventually.


              because unranked and party mean sooooooo muuuuuch


                Zzz. so answer to most of this is just play more ranked, and eventually my pub mmr will raise?
                I can do - just dread playing more ranked. XD

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Why would you even care about pub MMR?

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Ma England is bad I don't know wa r u asked.
                    Butt anywhere,just keeip play n improve,no worry even when the sky is falling down~down~


                      ranked =/= unranked


                        @pitou, because I still want to play higher skilled players - even when I'm playing a pub. I will learn more from games where I get destroyed than I will from games where I (or my team) am destroying.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Man I made a smurf and I got it to VHS I performed better in VHS rather than in the NS games I played prior to my skill bracket change, nothing changes much. Likely the pub game you are gonna play is full of smurfs trying to cheat the system, so it's not really a step up.


                            I've smurfed - and that's all I have seen. Other smurfers who are just as bad as me. The ultimate result was I learned nothing from smurfing because I never actually got to play a really good player (5k+).

                            TBH, I have a friend who is 4.3k mmr, and I can't see a whole lot different mechanically between him and I, and as a matter of fact, I have much better map vision than him. Literally the only thing different is he is more efficient at safe-laning, and farming / fighting afterwards.


                              Winrate changes.

                              I didn't play Dota seriously for a long time, before finally learning something to climb.

                              What does matter is your local winrate value (last 3 months, last 6 months) THIS is what actually shows, how you're doing now.

                              Tbh, if you want an accurate performance value, check your solo queue ranked winrate in the last 6 months.

                              This is what will actually show how dogshit/good you are.



                                I have ~57% wintate in ranked over the last 6 months. Counting both solo and party queue togther.

                                Thus my ~51% total winrate doesn't really concern me.

                                My solo queue ranked was around 61-62% the last time I checked.

                                And I don't play much. ~250 games in half a year is nothing.

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  Last 6 months, in ranked and normal matchmaking I have a 55% winrate over a little under 500 games.

                                  Its not me wanting to be good or not; its me wanting to play more experienced + better players without having to go to toxic ranked. But it looks like there is no getting around it.

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  casual gamer

                                    toxic ranked?

                                    casual gamer

                                      mute everyone then. unranked is a shit show


                                        Actually unranked is way less toxic if not at all compared to ranked, I may even say its really enjoyable most of times, at least for me and OP it seems..

                                        Ive intentionally played unranked last 2 months and had a great and fun times!

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                        casual gamer

                                          idk i dont want to play with 3ks and 4ks at all id rather deal with ragey people who know how to play dota than vice versa because i can mute them but i cant make bad players perform


                                            but can you make your bad players outperform their bad players, thats the question. If you do that you win low mmr ranked games.

                                            casual gamer

                                              ? i just kill everyone then slap towers

                                              casual gamer

                                                if u think ur as good as someone 1400 mmr above u theres 2 options

                                                1 u will have like 80+% winrate ranked

                                                2 ur fucking delusional and have no clue what ur talking about

                                                and dont say ur teammates will hold u back because god knows if i was on a 4200 mmr account i would have similar winrate despite 4ks being unable to breathe and tie their shoelaces at the same time


                                                  @JDF8, maybe it is just this 1 guy, but like I said before, there are very few things that differ between the two of us - except that he is SLIGHTLY more efficient. That doesn't make me a 4.4k mmr player, it just makes it a very strange situation.

                                                  I've also played against 3.5-4.0k mmr mid players and beat them easily at laning and even late game (I just tell this because they display their MMR on their acc.). It is very possible they bought the acc. or used to be a 3.5k-4k player, but tbh, climing from 3k to 4k is all about PMA and keeping your team doing the same. Outdrafting is possible, being outplayed is very possible, but keeping a winning mentality until the end wins shit for you. Problem is in ranked, it is so hard to find good attitudes. Granted, this may not be for everyone, but it is 100% how it is for me.

                                                  Literally every RANKED strategy time, 1 or 2 players out right tell me to shutup when I start planning shit out - lanes, grabbing smoke, ward location.


                                                    Here, I'm 3.9k atm, add me on your friendlist and beat me 1v1. If you do so, congrats. Let's see what you're made of. :P


                                                      ^Will hit you up sometime after 6PM EST.


                                                        Sure, why not, I love these kind of experiments


                                                          JDF8 is right probably.

                                                          I remember, when I was 2100, I was feeling that I am better.
                                                          After about two-three weeks of actually playing and trying to win, I'd just slay everyone.

                                                          I found one hero, Ember Spirit at that time, I fp'd him every game mid. I didn't care whatever the team would think, etc. I couldn't play any other hero, but on Ember I just slayed 2k's being a 2k myself at that time.

                                                          Games like 30-0-17, 22-5-15, etc.

                                                          Later I figured I can't play anyone else mid good and switched to the offlane.

                                                          I realised, that I feel Timber very good and am very confident with him, again, I just slayed everyone on 2-3k non-stop. In some games I'd literally stay afk inbetween their T4 and keep them at fountain 1 vs 5.

                                                          The point is: if you play a hero you're confident with and try hard enough, then at a certain point, you'd be slaying the shit out of your skill bracket, outperforming the average player.

                                                          You need time. You need your own hero pool. You need to constantly improve in specific heroes.

                                                          Like I had builds for Timber for every possible game scenario at 2-3k, I knew what would I do against any lane I'd come to face, when to farm, when to fight, etc.

                                                          You need to feel a certain hero literally. Feel and keep on playing until you significantly outperform your current skill bracket average.


                                                            At the same time, I am too bound to heroes.

                                                            One may pick me Slardar and watch me fail and feed non-stop.

                                                            Maybe that's not good.