General Discussion

General Discussion[AMAZING] current trends in the society and racial relations mimic do...

[AMAZING] current trends in the society and racial relations mimic dota patch history in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    kinda long read but u're just a few paragraphs away from gaining insight into how this world works so shy not read it??

    ok so weve just started to learn history in school and a couple of days ago the teacher told us about black slavery and shit and how it sucked to be a slave and how its great that we're almost equal yada yada

    then later that day i came home from school, launched dota(i'm a sick carry/mid player btw, u can check out my stream if u want: or add me on snapchat: moiez_boss), played like 5 games and in all of them enemy supports just showed up and shit on me super hard and i lost all 5 games super hard and was like 0/3, 1/7 etc.

    and then when i rage abandoned my 5th game after enemy tree sniped my courier and dove me under the tower and killed me with full hp i just took a moment to reflect on how this all came to be - since when fucking ward bitches became so strong and why do they keep getting buffed every single goddamn patch?

    when im frustrated i love to just sit down on a couch to watch fox news with my dad and that day there was this report about some transgender guy(or were they a girl? idk guys im too young to be exposed to this shit what the fuck fox news????) literally riding a black guys dick in public and screaming "black lives matter fuck u misogynistic pigs"

    idk what does misogynistic mean probably another word for racists because otherwise why would they even bring it up right?

    then the next day a guy from our class who's rly into hiphop music(i think his favorite rapper is some Arr T.C.? or how its pronounced idk im not into rap tbh) started dabbing and then one of the black guys came up and hit him in the nuts and said "stop dabbing white trash" and when we told our principal about this he told that we're fucking racist and black kids have the right to express themselves freely even if it means kicking other kids in the nuts

    ??? i mean what the fuck?? just some 3 hundred years ago these guys were our fucking slaves and now they just walk around and kick white kids in the nuts and get away with it and keep calling every1 racist saying they're still non-privileged, how so???

    and then it struck me

    these guys just follow dota patch history
    all these ppl who are in charge, who own news channels and govern entire states, they just all read dota patches and mimic them! because how else come that the least privileged become arguable the most privileged and still want more, it surely is tied somehow!

    black ppl are basically supports
    their lives used to be rly shitty
    not as shitty as buying 135g tps, or 75x2g wards or 60 sec cd 0 slow dust and ghost scepters werent compatible with tp scrolls and glimmer capes werent invented and u had to run some 4p1 bullshit with brown boots 40 mins in and no bounty runes and no exp books
    i mean u cant rly compare that level of suffering to getting some lousy whip scars or carrying around some 100kg stuff for the whole day
    but the comparison still stands i think

    and after liberal forces(reddit) started doing shit about it and forced government(valve/osfrog) to make racial relations(roles) more fair they just kept getting more and more rights(buffs every patch) and now they're arguably more privileged than every1 else! i mean can a white kid just casually walk up to some1 and kick them in the nuts? can sf dive t1 towers, get a kill and get away 3 mins into the game?

    so to all these government officials and other ppl in charge if they're reading this by chance - STOP
    i mean yea 300 yrs ago ppl were pretty stupid, i think the average iq was about 30? idk ppl liek newton used to think light consists of particles rofl what a bunch of fucking morons
    so they didn't rly have a clue what to follow and i can believe they just copied dota patch notes and built their policies around them

    but it's 2017, 2k17, mmxviii, 11111100001, it's time to rethink what we're following dota is just a game guys and while i agree icefrog is a fucking genius we should think for ourselves

    stop following dota patches guys!!!!!

    and to icefrog, make mid great again, please? or are u just gonna keep nerfing bottle, jungle, tower diving and everything that makes mid good?

    sincerely urs
    average teenage mid player

    (idk why i wasted an entire hour on this bullshit its not even funny or useful and im probably getting banned for this and i got assignments to do but w/e)


      Neo-liberal country issues.

      Seriously though, report this to your psychotherapist.

      В России и СНГ таких лютых проблем с сумасшедшими либерахенами нету. Какие, в пизду, расовые отношения?

      Я тут думаю, как бабок заработать, а ты про негров и любителей хвостового досуга мне рассказываешь.

      И ещё толсто так, что толще задницы моей матери.

      Цей коментар був відредагований

        Actually made sense


          "The Fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists."
          ~Winston Churchill.


            being intolerant in 2017 LUL




                Technically light has both particle and wave properties. So while it is not strictly speaking a particle it is also not truly a wave and is something in between.
                Also people of today are probably just stupid as people 300 years ago, they're just better educated (on average) and have more access to any information they may want.


                  @ lpfeeder420 0-39 and vhs wow


                    sory i noob