General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp on terrorblade

Help on terrorblade in General Discussion

    Jdf plz halp
    When should I start farming jungle and the lane at the same time? (In-game time, level, or any indicator)
    Which camp to stack? Since the illusions are longlasting you can basically stack any camp in your jungle, which one is the most preferable to prioritize
    When is it good to use meta to farm?
    When should I get my item timings? What's the LH/min target?
    I know these might sound ultra retarded but if I'm actually any decent at the game I won't be 2k in the first place


      -Go to jungle if the lane is unsafe or once the enemy offlane tier 1 is down
      -I generally don't stack because I'd rather use my illusions to hit creeps but I have bad micro anyway
      -I do not use meta to farm ever, maybe if I was stealing an enemy ancient stack
      -10 cs/min


        Thx cut

        casual gamer

          ^ this is good information

          i stack medium and small camps because you have much less trouble clearing them. now though u have hp regen talent so maybe it wouldnt be bad to try stacking lg camps if u anticipate an easy lane. satyr ball creeps can fuck ur life up if theres multiple of them lol be careful

          u want lvl3/4 conjure and tread to jungle

          10 cs min is good. if u go a split push type build (yasha travel) u will have higher cs than if u are 5 manning with dragon lance and tread

          if u get hotd get the troll priest creep and u will have infinite mana / can make agi tread illusions

          otherwise backpack a couple clarities ur hero doesnt want to b to base ever because he generates so much income and map control being on the map

          i would only use meta to farm if theres a lg camp stack to farm and/or i got completely fucked in lane and have to jungle at around lvl 5/4


            just farm, if the timing is there for stacking just do it.

            U can make a huge ancient stack and farm it with meta tho, EE used to do that pre 7.00


              Is this build good? Btw i dont like lance on tb

              Early treads
              1st item manta
              2nd item skadi
              3rd item bkb
              4th item butterfly


                Lance and aquila are too damn good to skip I think

                casual gamer

                  i dont bother with aquila

                  get lance before manta


                    Is this build good? Btw I don't like travels on Tinker...


                      I saw fear go pike skadi. Dont think it is some new meta (get it) but idk why he thought to skip manta.


                        Tb used to go travels, but treads is too good to pass up now, it gives abt 10% more dps than lance with both ur illusions up cuz of the attack speed.


                          Yeah treads is very very good. Btw always carry a raindrop early game because it is just very good compared to aquila.


                            Do u buy talon when behind? Or do u not now that they changed qb.


                              For that specific game he needed mobility badly


                                Ye but manta gives ms. Which arguably benefit him more, especially since he cud barely be in range to apply skadi, and manta ms is more than ranged skadi slow.


                                  He was probably focusing on kiting heroes

                                  casual gamer

                                    i never get talon and always get qb

                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                      Threads, DL, Manta by 17 seems like the norm

                                      I start farming lane and jungle after DL although it obviously depends on the situation given


                                        DL manta 17 minutes in

                                        Super Senko-san Time

                                          On another note, imo aquila is too good to be situational since tread switching with aquila provides more illus and farm

                                          Super Senko-san Time

                                            My bad, it should be around 20. DL Manta in 17 was a stomp sorry lul


                                              don't build skadi.
                                              1. Manta
                                              2. Bkb
                                              3. Done. comeback israel

                                              casual gamer



                                                  TB without skadi :thinking:


                                                    lately i can win without bkb's


                                                      Terrorblade is a lane dominator, you can pretty much lvl 1 meta to
                                                      Push enemy out of lane.
                                                      Take t1as early as you can, then farm the jungle till meta is up and walk to another lane to take another tower.
                                                      TB is an extremely easy hero, just play him a bit and you'll understand when to farm jungle ect


                                                        min 17-18 treads aquila dl manta seems like the normal timing (assuming you're winning the lane) tbh. i guess top tier tb players would say that is even slow if given complete free farm.

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