General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get very high skill

how to get very high skill in General Discussion

    i dunno
    valve put me on this bracket

    AMD Radeon

      your game play so bad... you have 2298 MMR estimated. and if you still play like that, your mmr maybe go to 1k
      you can see your estimated mmr from << your id

      i play new id and my estimated MMR is 3422. i have high skill bracket.




          when youre unknown skill, its best not to think about it for now..


            GIT GUD


              40 kills and won in 60 minutes

              Mr. Pickles

                What GIT GUD means??

                Player 404335202

                  U shud aim for HS first and playing better than ur team helps to achieve it ... Know your role and just try to play good


                    Can someone bring the vhs count?


                      Normal skill player's discussion, haha..


                        my skill bracket is HS when i check it after the game but after few hours it says Normal skill again. wtf

                        Player 404335202

                          ^ it happens .. Its dotabuff prblm i guess but after some it will show u your appropriate skill level for ur match


                            im a 2.6k scrub and i jump around everywhere haha for some reason i went from normal skill to maybe 1 vhs and a few hs but now its mostly hs and vhs and the odd what happened?


                              also i stay in Scrub Africa i mean South Africa and until Fibre moves into our neighborhood (which is this year sometime) i wont be playing on EU Servers. i did a few times and the lag just isnt fun. even though 2k bracket games are insanely ez with the lag.


                                also you may be winnning with good gpm and xpm but you are dying way too much dude with little kills.


                                this was a normal skill Drow game i got into with a stack full of idiots that didnt want to listen and a NP that could have solo kill me every time i saw him but he just ran. i didnt bother buying dust because the game was already too ez.

                                just try not die so much. the system will pick up that normal skill is ez and move you up regardless of your MMR. if you map awareness sucks so much or your ability to read a team fight and decide when to run or not sucks so much you wont make it on higher levels.

                                and dying on AM so much is not cool dude...

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