General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth to still go butterfly even though the enemy has mkb?

Is it worth to still go butterfly even though the enemy has mkb? in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    If not what should you buy? I feel like flutter is pretty good


      Flutter is good enough to make your investement worth it imo


        that was always my though
        like enemie has monkeys and im terrorblade or luna
        hell yea i go butter idc for that shit what should igo then ?
        AC is actually maybe little better to get then


          buy your own mkb


            most probably not




                well what if there are 2 phy dmg cores,and only 1 has mkb.


                  me, personally, as am luna or sf and it comes to that stage where you'd get bfly after the standard core items on each, you'd have to be able to have some sort of feel on the game and i love replacing bfly with heart when there's mkbs, bloodthorns etc cause in vhs games - it's strictly about objectives and bfly is the obvious pick up ONLY if you're gonna be able to win a team fight AND be alive after to take the raxes/throne since ratting has drifted out of the meta.
                  heart lets you not be so far behind and more of a frontliner core with the same play but letting you chip away at their highground and heal to full etc, it's great for wasting their initiation or defense plan - seeing a luna get away on low but successfully defending only to see her with the next wave on full hp again except your ultis on cd is fucking frustrating


                    id say bfly even if all 5 has mkb if youre drow, the more agi = more bonus dmg for your boys so even if it means stacking bflys


                      better buy eblade then


                        well what if there are 2 phy dmg cores,and only 1 has mkb.

                        if they have -armor AC is good, if just phys dmg skadi is good, maybe eblade, depends on your hero. If they have like OD or someone who cant buy mkb later u might still wanna buy bfly


                          Bfly is still a very good dmg item, if i already bought it and then they buy mkb i wouldnt sell, but i wouldnt buy if they already have mkb.


                            ofc u dont sell it again xDDDD

                            Erase Humanity

                              It's 65 D, 65 AS, 5 Armor and movement boost. I think movement boost is really good against bashes, and armor good against physical damage. Proc based items aside, butterfly is the highest physical dps item below rapier maybe.


                                i mean when ur six slotted or something, u dont have to sell it. Evasion still shud work on illusions against towers and against potential summons and shit, against supports who may be carrying dmg aura's like venge or drow. And it still gives armor.


                                  if u have gold to buy whatever u want u might wanna switch it out very rare scenario


                                    i guess you need to sell it if you want bloodtorn.


                                      just get moonshard if ure concerened about dmg wtf

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                                        If you are playing a hero depending on his/her illusions, then yes coz of the raw agility stat. Say Naga, PL or Terror. But otherwise, no.


                                          I feel like late game pl needs to stack butterfly's cuz otherwise his illusions deal no damage.