General Discussion

General Discussion best and worst high ground defence heroes

best and worst high ground defence heroes in General Discussion
Erase Humanity

    With reasons

    Hide The Pain - Herald

      +Timber - 2 x Chakrams is such a pain and can clear creeps before they are even close to tower

      + Techies - boom stun boom stun

      + Tinker -Share that laser and spell spam

      Catsys Rivers

        Ogre Magic and Lich: with their powers combined, Tower-Man is born. A non-playable hero with lot of armor, attack speed and damage. He's also super huge if you know what I mean.


          Pudge can hook people from high ground where there is no vision.

          Ember Spirit can spam Sleigh of Fist to clear out creeps and harass you.

          Sniper for obvious reason.

          Void, Enigma and Medusa can deter enemies from hitting your towers.

          Worst high ground defenders are Lycan and Doom.


            Tinker, sniper, and probably most/all heroes with big ultimates



              all with refreshers

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              Catsys Rivers

                Vote Tower-Man Arcana this coming fall.

                The DarKNovA

                  We can add Invoker to that roster, tons of spammable spells, mobility and cast range to stay out of a careless pick off, and the EMP can exhaust enemies like few others.


                    ^especially with the tornado talent




                        How does ursa defend towers

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          No mention of Treant? What the fuck?


                            KOTL Tinker and Lesh are some of the best defenders. Pugna is actually semi decent too since you can decrepify the person coming to hit the tower and drain him (especially with aghs)

                            Heroes like AA, Doom and Silencer are pretty bad since they have no way to reliably clear waves, cant lock down people coming to hit the tower and generally don't gain much advantage from being highground. Bane is also pretty terrible but at least he can lock people down.


                              ez clear wave wite firestorm
                              ez root with pit of malice for whoever trying to siege


                                i would say MY tinker


                                  Listen, u need to specify pushing hg or defending it, cuz ember isnt good at pushing hg, and am isnt good at defending it.
                                  Pushing hg, u need a good initiation, i wud say dark seer, and/or someone way too tanky to kill so they cant burst them down before u initiate on them, say centaur. It also depends on lineup, lets say u have a centaur front lining, a slardar to initiate, and an ember to clear waves and deal the damage. U cant have just initiation with no way of forcing a fight with a front liner, you cant have a front liner with no way to capitalize on it with initiation (tho cent fulfills both roles tbh) and you cant have initiation (disable) with no way to deal damage. There r overlap, and you can win games without all of these things, but for just specifically going highground thats what u need i think. Other team lineups will focus on pickoffs so they have a default advantage when going hg but it all depends.


                                    imma go for Arc warden as the BEST
                                    1. Natural maelstorm carrier x2
                                    2. 13 seconds of magnetic field tower defense if used on main and chained with tempest double.


                                    Actually there are tons of heroes which doesnt have any specific traits helping in HG defense

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                                    Bill Cutting

                                      Tinker is the best no question..

                                      Honorable mention is sniper if late game


                                        number 1 tinker, no discussion, hes broken, i hate the hero.
                                        number 2 sniper - cuz he can kill heroes while fighting on stairs with easy.
                                        number 3 timber (double chakran), keeper of the light - kills all creeps before they even can see the tower

                                        also that 4 heroes doesnt need to stay closer to the enemy sight to repel the siege, (like SF most)


                                          Medusa Can Chop down a Creep wave pretty fast.

                                          Shadows Die Twice

                                            No one mentioned clock.... I find him to be top 3 base defense hero. Reasons are obvious, if sniper or LD attack your tower from k range, he can initate and isolate those heroes, also cogs are good vs melee attackers. I mean tinker is good, but what is tinker gonna do when sniper attacks tower, spamm rocket? Na i don't think so.

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                                              Tinker sniper invoker Medusa if farmed

                                              As supp I think vkotl venom and lich


                                                I don't think ine hero can solo def. It's the team composition that matter. Sniper with some tanky hero can defend easily


                                                  Io isnt that bad, considering he can relocate behind pushers for some nasty flank gank shit.

