General Discussion

General DiscussionPls Help I need Feedback

Pls Help I need Feedback in General Discussion

    So I am Jugg, I think this is an ez win for me. Offlane AM with a slark who gets 28 LH at 10 min. I farm pretty well in lane and deny the AM farm as much as possible. I know this meta revolves around early tempo, taking T1s and maybe T2, roshan, and attempting to end the game. I try to convince my team to do that because I think my mid SF did pretty well and have the ability to end.

    My question is, since its a common belief at my poop MMR that you can carry ANY game if you are a good enough player. What specifically do I do in these kinds of situations. What I mean is, every time we 5 man push, a split pushing carry pushes T2/T3 tower and one of my team mates goes back to defend despite my plea to 5 man push T2/3. It weakens our team fight, they normally die solo to said carry and we lose HG fight or get forced back. Do I just buy BoTs and start split pushing myself?

    Also slark is cancer on the map in mid game. I told my supports just to just push with us so they aren't food to slark making him stronger. We take a bad fight at the end of the game and they 5 man push and end with AM having farm. When we shit on him laning phase.

    Please not responses like "oh GET GUD" or elitist shit like that. I am genuinely trying to improve my play and find out what exactly my response is at this mmr when the team does not know how to capitalize on an advantage and end the game. Any constructive critiques on my play would be amazing from a player 4k or higher.


      Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


        i think if u are in shit tier, it is much easier to be the one solo carrying. i.e just be the carry that does split pushing, force the other team apart, and their poor coordination will usually lose them the game while you constantly get better trade-offs.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          You tell your teammate to defend and you split push alone that's what I always do.
          Don't thank me just keep it on your heart helping others is my nature :smile:

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          SaplingSix LLC


            Thanks for your unconstructive feedback. You are what's wrong with this game.




              Yes I am in shit tier, yes I am a shit player.. but I KNOW i can farm better than 95% of the players I play against. So I think what I am hearing is I need to play more carry players who can split push more/ I need to split push more and risk dying more in order to capitalize on the enemy's uncoordinated play. So basically AM, Jugg (with linkens probably), Ember. Do you guys have any other mid/carry heroes you would recommend to do this. It sounds like I am just relying on my team to do too much.


                I would like to focus on 3-4 heroes that I play really well... I have heard this works when grinding mmr.

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Lycan he never die when split push unless 3 or more come,if they take so much heros to stop you,your team win.
                  Don't thank me just keep it on your heart helping others is my nature :smile:

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