General Discussion

General DiscussionPosition 4

Position 4 in General Discussion

    Halp please.

    Best heroes (5+).
    Pro's to watch.

    And from what I understand, the general idea is you are the greedier support - usually have some decent farming ability, and are often roaming or sometimes jungle (LC, Doom, Chen). Righto?


      ud rather seek for advice from players closer to ur bracket
      i got no clue what works and what does not in the games u play

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Those sounds like full time Junglers aka pos 3
        doom maybe can OOV and do roaming :/ But it's weird

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          Shaman probably




              Why ask players closer to my bracket? I'll be playing pos. 4 for a 4k mmr amateur league team. XD

              I know Chen + Doom jungle for early advantage but use their creeps to often pressure towers + ganks. I can micro 1 unit like gold, but give me 2+ I get stuck.
              So again, anyone give me good pos 4 picks and Professional players to watch?

              From what I can tell, the most picked pos 4 are Spirit Breaker, Riki, BH?

              Rubick + Disruptor also seem like nice niche picks.
              Earth Spirit + Chen high skill cap picks (require 100+ games to be decent).
              Mirana + SK for reliability.

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                oh 4k wow


                  bhs pretty easy i suppose


                    Is Nyx considered pos 4 as well? No Pro's to send me too in youtube?

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      i think no one plays nyx as 4 rn

                      Bears Ate My Face

                        Honestly, me and you are pretty close in mmr, and heroes like bh and chen pos 4 tend to suck unless you practice with them consistently.Out of my 65 bh games, I've never played the hero the same way twice to my memory. Any jungler will be ganked and outlaned by a competent team. Heroes like mirana, warlock, and night stalker all remain to be flexible heroes to fill any role, which is what you need from a position 4 the most.

                        If you're going a full 1k higher mmr for your team, then gl.
                        (Edit: Also, non-traditional position 4 heroes such as axe can work)

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                          I have great game sense (for 2-3k mmr at least) when it comes to general playing. Itemizing is pretty great, and decision making + reflexes aren't too bad. I played a couple of games with the (4k mmr) guys as a pos 4. and already had decent impact. I could feel the MMR difference in laning and ganking - but the later into the game we got the easier the games were to play.

                          Turns out the thing I need to work on the most (for the next few months) is figuring out how to roam while being beneficial to the team; forcing TP's, learning how to tower dive efficiently + do I stack when I walk by a camp at 2:54? Do I smoke gank? Need to wait for level 2? Do I leech that second level from the safe lane or off lane? I could really use a guide I suppose - but like I said, most of pos. 4 feels like game knowledge + feel. I am better at that than anything else in DotA.

                          Biggest difference from 3k to 4k is 4k's make fewer mistakes.

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            I have great game sense

                            SOLO MMR 2901

                            you are making urself look like a total retard

                            wise edit

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              Thank you. XD
                              You have to admit, even though ultimately - I know I am garbage, having a 70% winrate in over 100 games this month makes me feel a little cocky and feel as though I belong in 3-4k.

                              Having a 70% over 100 games in 7k mmr would make you feel like you deserved 7.5-8k. amirite?

                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                ye kinda