General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is wrong with 4k bracket ?

What is wrong with 4k bracket ? in General Discussion
    So many losses in 3 days, i dont really know what is 4k bracket now
    The picks
    The players
    Are so dumb, i cant even tell how dumb some players are
    Should i get a 6k account or someshit ? Always trying to be positive but there will always a guy who snatches lane, a jungler, the one who acts like a 12 years old boi haHAA
    Play core, team sucks
    Play support, team sucks
    I failed my lane, other lanes failed also, what the fuck is this game


      Yes you should buy a 6k account that will solve all your dota problems

      주 롄양

        make new id and challenge urself to calibrate into more than you now

        rip bozo

          Probably there are some 2k who think they have 4k skills bought account and ruined your game. And then there's you who think you have 6k skills will buy an account and ruin theyre games too until you adapt. It's a cycle bro just deal wit it

          Player 404335202

            ^ this guy xD

            Président® Salted Butter

              BabyRage My team is holding me back BabyRage


                I Meet lvl 20 smurfs 3 games in a row. So nice matchmaking


                  I once met 5-7 lvl 20ish smurfs in one game, epic system :D

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  Von Darkmoor

                    4k is kinda shit in my eperience ive played party and accidently with 5k -5,9k (actually never had a 6k weird as i knew of) anyways those higher ups its like 1/10 thats actually good rest is spamming current fotm and farming kinda boring tbh but atleast they tend to flame less.

                    I think 4 is the new 2k-3k, 5k is the new 4k, 6k is the new 5k, and so on simply due to everyone reaching so got damn high many very many abuses a fotm to get there thus the system gets inflated and the matchmaking gets fuckd up. I HAVE To ADD Dotaleague, Nihl had waaaaaay better matchmaking than Dota 2 have ever had and they made it possible for free Dota 2 has millions but still cant make it good and honestly with the resources they have the high playerbase aint an excuse.

                    Also with the money they should really make new heros fuck Dota 1 added more heros more often than dota 2 without any financial aid used to be 100 000 of hero creation idea sites for dota 1 must be similar places in dota 2 why dont they just use it and make a new hero, fucking sick n tired of trash chest trash cosmetics just for their greedy pleassures and it would be GREAT IF FOR ONCE if the major were at their ACTUAL SEASON not after!!!

                    /(sry wall of texd)

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                    Friendly Gaming Community <3

                      aww how cute is that


                        Dude, lvl 20s is smurf is full of shitstains who never play support, always aim for middle lane (mostly failed) and most of them are just 2k scrubs that abusing the mmr system, valve really need to fix that shit, how does that even make any sense ? Spam cores for 200 games and grats you are now a 4k with 2k skill


                          But i still need to know, how did Alohadance get 7k at lvl 25
                          Any explanation ?


                            You guys are lucky because its just some games, but you may try sea, every single match has lvl 20s "smurf" not sure because the "smurf" mmr higher than the main account 4Head


                              4k is the new 3k, really sad to hear that since i climbed up from 3.2k (after calibrating 10 games) to 4k, and people can just play 200 games by spamming core and get up to 4k with their 2k skills and ended up ruining most of my games




                                  Awww how cute is that, played 9000 matches still 4k :(


                                    A lot of time I find solo players not taking objectives or not making the right calls.
                                    You just have to 'unite' the team for coordinated ganks and pushes.

                                    Don't just mindlessly start blaming your team, watch the replay and think of what YOU could have done to win the game.
                                    "Maybe we should have pushed after this fight", "Maybe I should have warded here instead", "Maybe I should have went back after this kill",
                                    "Maybe I could have built different item instead of this", "Maybe I should have smoked"

                                    The less you flame and the more you make good calls, the more you win. (Sometimes its just better to tolerate bullshit)


                                      Well im not blaming while playing, unless they dont want to do what i told them to do, you can take a look at my last silencer game, my teammates do what i said, thats why we win the game, simple as that, im sure i can win any games if my team just listen to me, i feel like im above them, plus im using mic, so its easier to communicate with them


                                        If you take a look at my kotl game, watch the replay, you can see that its a sure win game, we had that one, until jugg just dive in tier 4 casting omnislash while we are still kinda far behind because we dont dive, i told them just calm down, dont dive we damage the tower when our creeps are pushing


                                          That tinker game its because my team also lile wtf, first pick, randomed lich he repicked it to BB ??????? Second pick meepo jungle, fourth pick, randomed silencer and he repicked it into BM wtf dude ??
                                          And yeah maybe i kinda lost midlane because i was like "fuck this game, i wanna go next so badly"

                                          Story Time

                                            ^loosing is all u can do, oh wait, also tilting!


                                              I think 4k is the most shit place to be due to the fact how easily anyone can make smurf and calibrate 4k and after they calibrate they drop therefore the score for the 4 team mates is -2x

                                              basement :)

                                                There was recently a thread about a player who randomed to 5k SEA.

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i am a 4k? :v


                                                    Too bad i play dota way toooooooo late, i couldve started playing dota 2 in 2012 or someshit but i still keep playing dota for some reasoPn, im pretty sure if i started playing dota 2 earlier, im 6k or even higher already
                                                    Idk why i keep playing dota for 6 years lmao
                                                    Then started to play dota 2 in December 2015 NotLikeThis
                                                    I regret everything

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                                                      4k is full of acc buyer / griefer. valve, please fix.

                                                      SHYDAGGER I

                                                        good to know the cycle never ends, I thought the same things as OP at 1k bracket, now im climbing 2k and its the exact same. Seems as if 3, 4k is the same.

                                                        What about teams picking 5 carries? Surely they doesn't exist at 4k bracket? That triggers me the most, 5th pick some hard carry when we already have 4 carries


                                                          There you go, 5 cores game
                                                          2nd pick meepo and go jungle
                                                          2 people randomed good support (silencer and lich) and managed to repicked it ^^

                                                          Jonas Kahnwald

                                                            Try to quit the game, swim, sport, or CSGO. I did.


                                                              My IGN explains it all :)


                                                                i agree that there are many retards in 4k, just had dota with slark in team, which was lowest level in whole team, also he flamed whole team non stop like it was their fault he sucked but i can bet you can find such players everywhere.


                                                                  low 4k is poopoo bracket

                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    Try to quit the game, swim, sport, or CSGO. I did.

                                                                    a day ago
                                                                    LAST MATCH
                                                                    Very High Skill
                                                                    Lost Match
                                                                    a day ago
                                                                    All Pick

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                                                                      Smurf 4ks = worst players in dota 2 community. Confirmed they are mostly cancers