General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your Smurfing Story?

What is your Smurfing Story? in General Discussion

    I'm noob and gayshit


      @feelsblackman if you check the players i've played with/against you might find some interesting names back from 2014

      senpai fapppp me

        uncucked why dont you trade me your smurf acount xd


          on my smurf right now, about to calibrate soon. ill let yall know how it goes lol. main acc 4k


            I have none. #masterrace


              What if using a gifted account is also considered as smurfing :thinking:

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                Why would I trade a 5k early 2014 account with that winrate to anyone?


                  I'm on my smurf now too.. try check my profile. Too day red days is real. Wish me luck


                    You must be braved your just 1k and you smurf omg ? you didnt even know whats dota and you just smurfing cancer

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      thanks for honest smurf story. I've always knew playing carry had more effect on calibration. LC, slark etc... even though you're lower skilled it. Kinda sucks that people whom play support, unless they're playing carry support will never be calibrated at over 3k sucks, unless they have like 80% winrate.


                        Well when I left dota 1 and came here I calibrated at 2k mmr, been playing till I got 3k then decided to make a smurf which lead me to 4k mmr. Problem is that I cannot leave my first account with such cool sets and comepndium gifts. Thats why I came back and I rather Play in 3k than in 4k.


                          I started playing this game in late 2015. I calibrated at 1300 in may of 2016 then dropped to 900. I have worked my way up to almost 3k mmr in that time. I have a smurf I have not yet calibrated even though it's ready. The thing is I hardly see the point of calibrating when I already know my true skill is only about 3.5k and feel that's about where I'd calibrate. why trade 600mmr for all the grinding, stats, and skins I have gained on my main?

                          rip bozo

                            Impressive uncucked

                            rip bozo

                              Good luck nene

                              rip bozo

                                I think using gifted or bought account is smurfing. Smurfing is defined as : In gaming culture, smurfing is defined as logging into a secret account seperate from a main account as to allow the user to play a game without being detected by his or her peers.

                                Generally the purpose of smurfing is to improve oneself without compromising the statistics of a main account. It allows gamers to try new strategies, or simply play without worrying about a "record".

                                W inner

                                  I created a smurf~~ the end


                                    Grinding feels better than recalibrating, it's more satisfying
                                    If your mmr goes up from grinding, you definitely know you actually belong there, and if you end up stagnating you can find out your problems and fix them steadily
                                    While if you smurf you might calibrate higher than you deserve, ruin other people's game, it ain't good for anyone, you'll just ruin everyone's fun just because you're fucking delusional and think you deserve higher than your actual mmr


                                      calibrated at 2k , still at 2k after 700 matches


                                        total of 3 acc.
                                        1st one calibrated at 1.4k (gone)
                                        2nd one calibrated at 2k
                                        3rd one calibrated at 2.7k

                                        now this smurf currently


                                          I think I created my 1st smurf in 2013 when I got lp on my main acc or something, so I played there instead till it disappeared xD then I came back stronger than ever and played on main again, really shitstomped some games then callibrated @ 4.4k and pretty quickly got to 4.8k, but I couldn't reach 5k @ that time highest in the leaderboards was low 6k back in these times. It's kinda sick, it took me ~1000 games to get from a noob that never played this game to mid 4k's in less than a year ~9 - 11 months and ~ year and a half to get almost 5k, which was really high back then, so I started playing again on that smurf, cuz I thought for sure I'm gonna get higher mmr there, because I had pretty sick win rate there xd, and I callibrated @ 4.8k there and got to almost 5.1k then just stopped playing on that acc and went kinda inactive since then and just played on main mostly and sometimes on some friends acc's on low mmr for lulz or just boosted them, kinda lost my motivation and passion for the game, so I just play from time to time a few games, sometimes I find some motivation to improve a bit and climb, but then I get some dogshit toxic game and I lose it all again x)

                                          rip bozo

                                            Well feelsblackman afeect


                                              ITZ EZ TO GETZ VHZ


                                                i hope all smurfs will die from cancer :( i play in 4k bracket, and really, just really almost every game you feel like your teammates are far behind you in terms of skill. I could pick ursa all the time and carry these noobs, since i can do that with this hero, but its just boring for me, and when i pick heroe like tuskar, you need some space to farm, you need to have some map control simple basic shit, most of the times offlane 1v2 1v3 with hero like tuskar i am around equal kills/deaths and safelane 3v1 or 2v1 feeds non stop, i can't blame anything else except smurfs, since basically same mmr people should be same skill level.

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                                                rip bozo

                                                  Kormoranas no


                                                    calibrated 1, got to 5

                                                    now im tryin to get to 7


                                                      I got two accounts, this is the smurf , typing this stuff. Thats back late 2015 in decembe,my main account is this:
                                                      This is from 4k mmr back 2012 , i think so everyone who calibrate on that time transitioning from dota 1 to 2. was all 4k. I dont care at all in MMR that days , playing shit games, leaving the game. Playing for fun with mates. And i realized it back 2014 when my MMR get low as 2.9k kappa =_= thats the time i settle it off and start grinding , i dont know if i success or what cause i got stack at 3.4k and swinging back and forth and not moving at all 2014-2015 man thats a year of gasps and feeling of tired. Until yeah i stop playing in my main , and i played with my smurf in january of 2016. I feel like shit that i am not for that bracket. I try everything, my smurf is roughly 78% win rate back then, when i got unto the calibration. Its almost win everything situation that i got unto. i first calibrated in party mmr its awful , that i just win 4 of 10 games cause my party sucks =_= it dropped me into 4k flat. then i did played a lil bit more of normal matches to get my steadiness and confidence. Now starting to play in solo q calibration, My first game is 4k flat. and i am okay on that one already i win my first game, with my ursa, 30-0 and the next calibration its shocking i got unto 4.6kish and then i lose it. 3rd game it dropped me unto 4.5k then i lose again its shocking cause it dropped me unto 4.2kish or somethin. and after the two lose i played all my games in win and the final calibration is 4.4kish. Then i got tired of my smurf cause i feel like wasting my time cause i cant play with my friends that i cant add. So i gave it to my friend now its 3.4k hahahah. I grind so much with my main cause i really dont feel being in that bracket it took me a year to achieve my real bracket. Im still striving above is my main ^

                                                      fear is the mind killer

                                                        I never used any smurf, i feel its useless since you cannot calibrate 5000+ and it take too much time too raise the badge ;_;


                                                          Focusing on dota 2 in december 2015, not really reading forums (like this) and calibrated at 3.2k


                                                            My smurfing story is right here, no joke.
                                                            I play sniper in all positions, support and offlane msotly because everybody wants mid or carry.

                                                            rip bozo

                                                              Lul snoper

                                                              rip bozo

                                                                Slim shady


                                                                  made a smurf to own noobs but i didnt match up against 1ks and a few months later i checked dotabuff of my smurf and i was curious about this very high sklll thingy so i calibrated and got 300 mmr higher than main at that time (3.5k -> 3.8k) so i took it and now this is my main
                                                                  (didnt make smurf to abuse calibration system, didnt know anything about it or skill brackets back then)

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                  Player 404335202

                                                                    Is is real that u calibrated a normal skill account to 4k ? How was increment of mmr each game ?


                                                                      yep, there's even videos on my channel on that.

                                                                      there was an experiment here that i held, i did it on multiple accounts.

                                                                      on some accounts got up to +500 per game.

                                                                      i deleted the DB post because people kept spamming me to calibrate their accs

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      Player 404335202

                                                                        @cookie .. Are u on twitch ? Where i can find those videos ? I want to see the stats of em


                                                                          my smurf story
                                                                          calibrate 4110 mmr got to 4594 fall to 4400 stucked 3 weeks gg ez fuck dota


                                                                            there's a youtube button

                                                                            ON MY DB PROFILE

                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                              @cookie thanks .. I thought its impossible ! I checked out ur videos


                                                                                i just wanted to play with higher skill players when i calibrated 800

                                                                                worked, i guess. playing with 4k+ is fun i guess.

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                                                                                  Hahaha 1 solo mmr, go watch pros in youtube and learn hahaha