General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Tips n Tricks?

Offlane Tips n Tricks? in General Discussion
Mr. Takamura

    Currently trying to learn how to play on offlane right now, can anyone give me some useful gameplay tips or decision making on how to survive solo offlane? A link to a guide or useful vids is also appreciated.

    Arturo b

      1.try not to die
      2.if u can't farm , just leech xp
      3.get your map awareness up
      4.if u really cant do anything try to get the creep from jungle beside u, or gank mid/safelane


        Ruin enemy carry's life
        Yolo, spend mana, harass, trade hits, go to shrine, heal, get back to the lane


          You can hijack their creepwave and force them to last hit under tower while you get full xp and gold. It's best to do this with any hero that has units like Beastmaster, Nature's Prophet, etc. It's easily punished if the enemy is prepared for it but that's usually not the case. You can also use your units to pull the wave back towards their base to stack the wave forcing it to push towards your tower.

          Eventually you'll learn to punish your enemy's mistakes and abuse your level advantage which is what wins you the lane and allows you to snowball.

          Mr. Takamura

            In certain cases, which is more important? Getting xp while waiting for creeps to come to your tower (because enemy support is pulling) or ruining enemy carry's farm at the cost of losing your life (diving, etc)?


              If the enemy support is pulling then you should be contesting that pull if possible. In a 3v1 situation prioritize xp and do anything you can to force the creep equilibrium to your tower. If you are at the point where you are diving for kills on their carry you're probably already winning your lane so you should just keep abusing them but not at the cost of your life. Pressuring them can really slow them down, even more so than outright killing them in some cases.

              Цей коментар був відредагований

                Use tanky heroes for offlane
                1.riki can leech xp easily can gank mid too
                2. Magnus buy iron talon rush morbid max empower buy treads kill ancients ez exp.
                3. Timber max 3rd skill kill their creep wave swing around and get some kills.
                4. Beastmaster buy iron talon summon pig jungle,/buy sod then gank mid
                5. Bloodseeker same as jungling. Just guard the tower and go back to the near jungle. Gank mid when lvl 6. Or buy dagon ROFL.
                6.Centaur. same as seeker. See map tp or use Ulti.
                7. Tidehunter Max krakken spam the shitty anchor go ancient when max spam again the shitty anchor go to clash and ravage.

                Note: skill Builds sounds retard unlike safe lane nor mid lane , u should prioritize ways to gain xp and somehow gold so u can keep up with the game. Well i play offlane like a solo player though LOL


                  never take offlane


                    Never take offlane in 1k*


                      Because offlane doesn't exist there
                      Only harder safelane


                        Use tanky heroes for offlane
                        1.riki can leech xp easily can gank mid too
                        2. Magnus buy iron talon rush morbid max empower buy treads kill ancients ez exp.
                        3. Timber max 3rd skill kill their creep wave swing around and get some kills.
                        4. Beastmaster buy iron talon summon pig jungle,/buy sod then gank mid
                        5. Bloodseeker same as jungling. Just guard the tower and go back to the near jungle. Gank mid when lvl 6. Or buy dagon ROFL.
                        6.Centaur. same as seeker. See map tp or use Ulti.
                        7. Tidehunter Max krakken spam the shitty anchor go ancient when max spam again the shitty anchor go to clash and ravage.

                        There's a lot wrong here.


                          It is all wrong ROFL (peace)


                            check this guy's channel, he has some tips and tricks almost for every aspect in dota


                              Sarcasm i mean (peace again)


                                I get tips from bowie too. He's a good sensei


                                  try to ward their jungle to block pull/see ganks, depends on the matchup, if u feel like supports r gonna threaten u lv 1 then blocking pull will make no sense for example. u can also do some neat stuff like pulling their creeps to your tower before they reach their t1 tower. this guarantees exp vs lanes where u rly need it

                                  lv 1 there r lots of stuff u can do, generally if their lane is weak u should try to trade as much as possible, if u can force their support to go home lv 1/2 go shrine to undo all damage done to u and his carry is basically fighting an impossible 1v1 then u can just punch their carry with no worries but ofc this doesnt always happen

                                  now if ur against some stupid lane that can kill u rly early pulling their creeps like i said will help, u guarantee urself levels that u would otherwise never get unless u abandon lane and jungle, no one rly expects this so u can get away with it a lot of times

                                  offlane isnt rly much about surviving get levels then roam anymore, its more about being a rly strong fucker that makes support do nothing for minutes, while their carry gets no farm, this is especially true because most popular offs are rly tanky not to mention u got all resources u need (jungle shrine side shop) to do this


                                    now if u do this all correctly u make 2-3 ppl tilt and u basically win alr from min 10 u and ur team just have to not do stupid shit like throwing rly obvious advantages


                                      On what MMR bracket is offlane viable? Like 3-1-1 lane? And not 2-1-1-1(jungler)?


                                        1.try not to die.
                                        2.deny a lot.
                                        3.dont die.
                                        4.dont feed.
                                        5.dont let them kill you.

                                        Player 153433446

                                          My faceless void offlane..against a smurf ls.
                                          Maybe you like it...the offlaner is just there for xp..u lh snd deny,that's good.
                                          You get kill that's great.
                                          Gank mid when lvl 6 or ask for gank