General Discussion

General Discussiontips on how to deal with bad teammates?

tips on how to deal with bad teammates? in General Discussion

    tips on how to deal with bad teammates?

    Ave with an internet pfp

      - Try to talk to them in case they listen to you , even if you lose they will learn a lesson and in case you meet him again in your team or enemy team , as he improved it makes your gaming experince better
      -If they trashtalk you just mute the fuck out of them


        If the game is losing for sure, just afk and watch youtube until the game ends. Cross fingers and hope you'll get good teammates next game.

        Player 404335202

          ^ lol ... Gonna try that for sure xD


            I afk and play feeding chickens simulator much more fun


              lul give me ur acc i show u u bad


                Mute toxic ones
                Talk to cooperative ones
                Carry their ass


                  id appreciate some real advice too, because i can only win on my VHS account nowadays...

                  either i totally roflstomp everything and solo win the game, or i lose coz my team if retardedly bad (or i throw, that happens)

                  i dont have time to teach them the basics of playing dota in a middle of a gme rofl

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                    ^Hmm I kind of feel you, winning in 2k bracket is such a roulette. I guess you shouldn't play carry that's the way out. Supports are playmakers early on. Rotate or secure your carry farm.
                    Pick some decent laners and good lategame carry because most 2k wont know how to end with their advantage. If I were to grind myself out of 2.7k id play tide omni dazzle abaddon necro tinker.(ofc not all supports 2 carry 1 off).
                    But honestly? I enjoy unranked 3.5-4k games so much more. I dont really play heroes listed above. I tried playing carry some games and only thing that happened was me being tilted. I very rarely play with toxic shit that thiks he is good at dota on unranked at my bracket. Since the last time i lost 150 mmr i grinded like 1% of total winrate playing unranked and i enjoyed it very much.
                    I guess from high mmr players that above some mmr ppl in nm play some shitty retarded strats but that's not the case for me.

                    Even suports who dont really know how to zone and not push the lane and they dont really know how and when to pull have their (some of them) good moments. This should work if you get bad teammates just mute them and stick to your best player. Ofc you wont get vhs on your acc if you aren't vhs yourself. You just need to play certain heropool If you wanna grind.


                      step 1) u stop complaning on an online forum


                        mute all chat. if you really are good as you think you will carry bad teamates no problem


                          Just mute those toxic smartass and work with your non-toxic teammates to help you win the game while telling them to give a toxic player zero fuck.


                            There is nothing more tilting than supporting a totally incompetent carry tbh

                            If I want to support I'll go to my 4k account and actually win games with my supporting

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                            Wcyd ...

                              i assess if my team are toxic or not in the picking and ealy game. if yes i tick the mute all chat on settings and play by my instiincts. if no i communicate. trust me. im in hell at 2k sir. not thinking of recallibrating coz i think i still shit that needs improving. lol


                                Sometimes they need your direction. Many games have <2 people with a mic. 9x/10 when you take a t3 and start retreating, saying to grab the shrine on the way back actually results in the team stopping to hit the shrine


                                  mute them and play your game.

                                  Optimus Drip

                                    rub your butt across your screen like you'd rub a genie in a bottle while singing All Star by Smash Mouth. That usually works for me.


                                      Just be friendly and nice. People will play better and harder if they feel like their teammates are trying to win as best they can also. Team games are synergistic - break that synergy and watch the game crumble.