General Discussion

General Discussionsniper underrated on comp

sniper underrated on comp in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    honestly the hero is a huge piece of bullshit damage, wins any lane, has a huge defense and attack potential, why isnt he picked? hes super useful


      he is squishy and prone to being ganked. Has no innate escape ability. fairly easy to shut down early


        A pub can't handle a good sniper player
        A pro team will shit on a pro sniper player
        It's like slark, he's a pubstomper, but he isn't picked in pro scene because he can be shit on my an organized team


          The thing is you and draft a decent line up around him. Grab an orge. grab another safe support.

          you can get a tree, cent tide void, something to go front line, then out pops that little asshat blood lusted and proceeds to shred your heros. Then he will shred your towers.

          I absolutely agree with OP that he is underrated.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Dafuq is underrated when you can see him in half of your games

            Cheap Laugh Guy


              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Oh shit you mean pro scene my bad soz


                  imo sniper should be in any team hes to good even ganks wont help early if u pick up raindrop or if thees no pudge enemie


                    here's how to beat a sniper, pick weaver slark storm qop or any other gap closing hero and just jump on him. He is only good if he can sit way in the back and pump out damage without being pressured.



                      I agree but what about the team that is baitng the sniper, or when sniper sits outside of fight waiting to come in.

                      I know it comes down to skill but I've seen slarks get rekt by gems and such while looking for the sniper.
                      same goes with weaver. QOP, she blinks in ults and dies.

                      I do agree with storm thou, he is fast enough to jump in, zap around and then zap out during the main fight stopping sniper from dishing out that Sweet sweet DEEEPS

                      Dire Wolf

                        Boston major he was picked a little bit. Idk new patch since then, is no one picking him now? Blade mail kind of fucks him too. He's good in deathball but doesn't do much tower dmg early. I wonder what it would look like him + drow lineup. People run medusa mid with drow lineups a lot.


                          Any time you face a hero that can get in your face you risk getting shit on repeatedly.
                          In the metta of Centaur Warrunner, Slardar, Ember Spirit, Weaver, Axe, Lifestealer - and heroes who add constant pressure across the map early game, sniper is not actually good at all.

                          Zero's resurrection

                            He's good in pubs for sure. Pro scene I feel he's a niche pick.


                              @positivity spreader
                              Wtf r u talking abt sniper is picked in pros and in pubs. Obv he is situational but he has retarded hg defense and many melee heroes will find it way too hard to kill the bastard with pike and headshot procs and shrapnel slows and such. Plus in pros the snipers team is more coordinated and plays around the hero, with things like grave and glimmer and solar crest and such to save the sniper.


                                Even slark is picked in the pro scene, because he suits the midgame deathball meta a lot.

                                i follow Jesus.

                                  i mean, we all ban fucking cent/slardar for naix. lastpicking sniper is viable is a better form of question, as a mid hero
                                  he seems spammable, i member before ti3 the hero was insanely bullshit (RIP troll/bloodseeker) along with drow and could pretty much be played in any way, he would eventually succeed (same with drow)
                                  i mean, sniper kunkka and phys damage ember are pretty much impossible to enter highground against; sniper has a decent movepool along with his talents, he is super good early stages and is very good at late, whilst his midgame lacks itemization (the time between finishing mjoll and gettink bkb is super high, feels like it takes a year to earn gold)
                                  i tried lance maels moonshard, worked as efficiently as i thought, skipping upgrading items (except for lance in some cases) is not only viable but good; this hero is fucking superb with proper team: how can he not be n1 pick?

                                  i follow Jesus.

                                    i'm prety sure some team will be the new newbee drow with sniper in this major honestly the hero is fucking sick

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                                      Optimus Drip

                                        has a huge defense
                                        has a huge defense
                                        has a huge defense


                                          he's really strong provided that counters to him are banned or you have a good strategy that revolves him as he is food early on. He's a high risk high reward given the fact that you have to do well early on so you can be effective late game.


                                            Damn Kr, nice win streak.

                                            casual gamer

                                              i think hes good

                                              when luna was spammed there were a ton of games where he was potentially very good as hes good against that hero

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                                              Impulsive 3k addict.

                                                He has no mitigation. His base dmg completely sucks.he farms slower and deals less dmg than shadow fiend. Picks like od and ta are scarier with a huge lead.

                                                He is like tier 2 though, really solid.

                                                He is picked in proscene when one team overthinks frontline.

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                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  Have no closer gap and he's gonna hoho haha u to death with pike + mljonir

                                                  His sharpnel is ridicilously strong , bad farming tool thou 50 sec cd

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    "hes always a 2nd phase ban if hes ever a good hero based on the first 2 picks"

                                                    This. Go look at kiev major stats on dotabuff, he is banned a lot more than picked.


                                                      HO HO HA HA


                                                        he is a pain in the ass to siege into thou.


                                                          weaver is probably the best against sniper because you can ignore headshot and you deal a ton of damage fairly early.


                                                            because why pick sniper when u can pick lone druid?

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                                                              ^because ld doesnt defend hg as well, and doesnt have as much teamfight control imo.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                cus LD is banned


                                                                  My build with sniper is a defensive type having



                                                                    And sometimes I get blink and wards.65 gold is affordable for any carry to buy

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                                                                      ^u cant go full defensive, u still need to be able to kill people.

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        that's not full defensive, full defense has to include skadi and lifesteal and butter like treads, pike, skadi, satanic, butterfly, manta. Honestly though if you swap manta for daedulus that build probably has enough dmg since satanic now puts out 50 dmg.

                                                                        I mean full defensive while being practical and not going for shit like greaves and pike. You could conceivably go treads, linkens, bkb, skadi, satanic, pike and probably not get reported but do no dmg.

                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                          Picking sniper mid brought me from 4.2 to 4.4 tho with 7 winning streak now lmao almost every game against pudge and ember. always fed in early start stomping in mid/late game

                                                                          Fee Too Pee

                                                                            See my recent , my sniper games solo mmr 4k bracket , all stomping , and i rarely play mid


                                                                              ^Welcome to 4K bracket it's even shittier than being in 3K