General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA or Japan (South Korea) Server

SEA or Japan (South Korea) Server in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    Which server is better. I have 10 ping higher in SEA but I might go back to SEA 'cause reasons :thinking:


      If you think delusional shitfucks from SEA haven't thought "omg noob team SEA toxic server im just going japan" you have problems
      Doesn't matter tbh

      Small Song

        I play equally in both (party Japan, solo SEA). SEA seems to have a more frustrating and flaming group, but has a much higher pool of players that play more often. Play style and hero picks of Japan can be a little offbeat, while SEA seems to follow the overall meta more closely imo.

        Looking at what I wrote... I think this would be true comparing any small and major regions. In my experience smaller regions are less toxic, but worse skill.

        Farm then Carry

          @bws I am actually originally from SEA (P.S. I am a non-flaming pinoy :smile:)

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          Farm then Carry

            @HeartnPeace so which would you prefer in terms of skill?



              literally tilted


              Farm then Carry

                ^cant deny that. im just too lazy to change it :l :thinking:

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                Small Song

                  Well... the skill of the average player is higher in SEA -- in my noob experience. It also seems you more likely have someone throw, and throw on purpose in SEA cause they picked ES vs clock and can't cast any spells. The Japan server is also more likely to match others with slightly different MMR cause the wait times are longer (so more likely to play with higher mmr, and also lower mmr). I think there is enough player crossover between them to cause the mmrs to be relatively similar.

                  I've written more than is probably wanted cause I've spent a good deal of time trying to figure out which would be better to grind that mmr.

                  Small Song

                    If ping is not a problem, I would go Japan... noobs that flame are more annoying than slightly more noob players who don't.


                      Kpop server for sure.

                      Farm then Carry

                        Thanks for the info. I'll just go back to SEA for a few matches and mute everyone else.


                          Japan is more prone to people like this.


                          Doesn't do so hot on their "home" server. Does worse in Japan due to tilt/ping. Goes back to whatever server they normally play.