General Discussion

General DiscussionSOLO MMR OR PARTY MMR

SOLO MMR OR PARTY MMR in General Discussion

    Normally people will look at your solo MMR or party MMR?
    Which one matters the most?
    "Requires 5K MMR and up" what does it really mean? what if someone will 1K solo MMR with 5K party MMR brags around he has 5K MMR? will you ask him to gtfo?

    Personally I don't really care about party MMR for me it's just group of friends fcking around with advanced skill plays.
    What do you think?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Party mmr is unless and you can easily abuse it to 10K if u have the cash.

      Party memer higher then solo memer = Boosted account

      Btw let's party up and carry me to 5K party memer


        IceTea you from SEA too? if we party up it just means it boost our party mmr right? I'm just trying to get into 5K then i will stop lul.

        Цей коментар був відредагований

          party mmr is much easier to get :) if you know who you party with, that mostly eliminates 1 noob from your team, and 2v5 is much more easier to carry game, than 1v5 :)


            ^well some people just brags their party mmr in threads or post it really hurts me lul

            1-IceTea 🌟

              SEA, let's do it


                can i join your party too? :v


                  Looks like I have 2 now 2 more to go lol, any sea 4k retards? haha


                    But if u never play it, it has less meaning


                      HANS GET ZE FLAMEWERFER
                      i don't quite get your point there.


                        Someone calibrated 4.8k when ranked was released and didnt play it ever since.
                        Does he play like a guy who spams solo ranked and is 4.8k? Definitely not.


                          oh, okay thanks hans


                            Can I join the party? I only have 2.8k party mmr. Carry me to 5k lol

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Let's do this!


                                Personally i dont really care about party mmr for me its just group of friends fcking around with advanced skill plays
                                But i do really care about nice threads like this


                                  @Icetea dude add me lol in steam i have no idea how to click your steamlink in your dotabuff lul so sad

                                  @Divine i think our party mmr gap is kinda too far as you can see mine is just 3.6 :/

                                  @LeFlop what is your problem here? your point is?


                                    @dickdude i added you already
                                    @icetea i added you too.
                                    and i got 1 more 4.6k player, we only need 1 more person


                                      Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded


                                        Whichever is higher is the one that matters more


                                          Lice you are getting boosted by me what are u talking about your party is probably
                                          Higher than your solo too lul

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            World best player? but shes not famous


                                              Yes. World best player no doubt about that.


                                                party means nothing


                                                  ^ you mean nothing


                                                    Party has a meaning if u play it a lot tryharding

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Cookie have nothing he lose his blue start he lost on 3K party memer with Danish he got nothing

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                      Player 404335202

                                                        Nahh cookie is just bz in f***king low 3ks

                                                        Ghastly Wail

                                                          In a TEAMgame SOLO MMR is more important.
                                                          Because in dota its more important if you can 1vs5 instead co-op with Teammates. :)

                                                          Sounds paradox but thats how dota works.


                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Whoever thinks solo is more important than party is retarded

                                                            Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                              Cant wait for volvo to take out party mmr to stop this discussion....


                                                                Party has its weight still, solo is just more respected.

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  WON 3 LOST 3 party mmr today and I lost more +22 -27 +24 -26
                                                                  I TRY SO HARD AND EVEN STARTED TO FLAME JACKED AND THIS IS WHAT I GET?

                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                  The DarKNovA

                                                                    Truth be told, there's a bit less chance of THAT ONE intentional feeder/leaver being on your team if you have at least one person in party.


                                                                      I judge people on their solo mmr not by their party mmr, no matter how high it is though. Like yours Jacked... like yours.


                                                                        If you think stacking with 4k tryhards and win games only by not feeding is more respectable than first picking AM every game with 4 random people as teammates, you have problems


                                                                          Solo MMR is how good do you play.

                                                                          Party MMR is how good your friends play.


                                                                            @CUTNPASTE i get your point but are you referring that AM to me? i always pick whatever the team needs regardless the role i just go with it instead of whining about it

                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                              Last weekend I played alot of party game,from what I noticed is the game became so much less toxic or no toxic at all.Maybe because people tend to behave better when they party with another friend.
                                                                              (Not everyone is like Lanto)
                                                                              My performance/focus improve alot because of it.


                                                                                No I'm refering to myself trying to get 4k by first picking AM every game as a big "fuck you" to whiny noobs who whine about shitty draft/how bad their teammates are
                                                                                The thing is, you get unreliable teammates in solo mmr, while you usually don't party with dimwits who don't even know wards exist, and it's easier to increase party mmr without getting good


                                                                                  Well said guys, well said.

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    And also because I only jungle,I need teammate that can draft around me,gonna be solo hardlane and solo support (can't afford roamer).
                                                                                    By party they knew I will jungle so less chance to meet stubborn player that insist want to 2-1-2 and end up they picking bad draft even I marked and told I will go jungle.