General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes jugger counter terrorbalde?

Does jugger counter terrorbalde? in General Discussion

    help plz

    queen's speech

      he does not
      there are approximately no heroes that beat terrorblade in a manfight
      he matches up ridiculously well vs almost any hero

      queen's speech

        alright maybe not manfight, but in the game overall


          55-45 in favor of jugg I say, not hard counter kind of stuff


            In late game yes because of his 175 blade fury to abbysal to omni


              im pretty sure this matchup is either even or going in favor of tb


                reflection fucks jugg pretty bad, i just had this game agaisnt jugg


                  neither, other teammates decide that.

                  queen's speech

                    yeah, i mean mag+troll rapes TB


                      You go aghanim mjolnir deso vlad and have your reflection deal little to no damage

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        i think tb can solo kill juggernaut while juggernaut cant kill tb without help .

                        i would pick necro safelane + OD mid vs tb if i want to win in late game

                        queen's speech

                          they cant def

                          casual gamer

                            tb beats jug yall are crazy


                              Tb vs a jug late game should always beat a jug.
                              In a teamfight the damage output from a farmed terrorblade will tear down a jug, and if he jug ults most of the slashes will hit illusions? Then tb will sunder and win.

                              queen's speech

                                jug beats tb with magnus in team, just bcuz magnus counters tb

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Just ulti and TB death....and I wrong there?

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    By the way my way of juggernaut is BF->agh->stack attack speed->dmg
                                    So juggernaut's ulti is 24 hit on it,each hit with BF aoe.
                                    No kappa

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      Not really a counter. It comes down to who can sustain and burst other faster which is usually TB.
                                      Jug can sometime burst him with his ult but it's not really reliable and requires TB to be caught off guard + good timing + other heroes (friendly or not).

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Jugs ult is bad vs tb cus it'll bounce to illusions and spread the dmg. Good heroes vs tb usually have magic burst or disable, so not too many carries but silencer and od and pretty good especially since od orbs two shot illusions.


                                          legion counters terrorblade.

                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                            TB is way stronger


                                              Aoe disable, ways to kill illusions, and strong lane pressure hurt tb a lot, and jugg isnt that.

                                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                  ^what do u think about storm/invoker safelane?

                                                  Ave with an internet pfp

                                                    What the fuck , i picked TB for jugg @@

                                                    Reason :
                                                    -Omnislash damage will be divade by he illusion and Domi creep and he sure stay alive and sunder the jugg
                                                    - Deal ways more damage
                                                    -A better pusher
                                                    -Spell imune on jugg is useless


                                                      You guys build pike on tb?


                                                        You can kite and reinitiate as jugg but as tb you must go all in. Jugg will jump a supp and burst him down then go out reinitiate. Its funny how its harder to kite jugg than a tb

                                                        Boss Lotte

                                                          depends on what items you'll pick for jugg


                                                            ~Nevermore; yeah. I think it's a must on TB. When Metamorphosis is activated, the hero is slow af. Being able force yourself to run or to attack, just great. Especially defensive force is great if you are facing bkb piercing slows/stuns.

                                                            fx; one unorthodox idea: get a blink on TB. Blink in, use Reflection and if it's not going well enough - force yourself out of there.

                                                            Jugger is far more safe choice than TB overall. Because TB is highly cooldown dependent. You are the boss when you have the Metamorphosis. But when you don't, you are just a big creep with no escape mechanism. Omnislash has a similar cd to Meta but Jugg can be relevant without the Omni. Also, TB can be kited easily in the laning stage.

                                                            Edit: Only bad item for Jugger to build against is Diffusal IMO. Yurnero is already short on mana (assuming that he doesn't have Skadi) and TB using Reflection make your Blade Fury go away.

                                                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                              Because TB is highly cooldown dependent.

                                                              queen's speech

                                                                r u insane?


                                                                  Havent tried TB with pike.But your opinion makes me think it fits quite well on him.

                                                                  JESUS CHRIST THAT GAVE ME CANCER.

                                                                  LVL.25 -30 SECS SUNDER

                                                                  SUNDER LVL.3 CD = 40 - 30=10 SECS SUNDER


                                                                    I believe that TB > Jugg in a vacuum, depends a lot on rest of team though, if you get a decent start and your team provides decent magic damage the matchup is pretty reasonable.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                      @sf dude

                                                                      Player 404335202

                                                                        If u dont have set of jugg then u cant beat terrorbald .. If u have arcana of jugg then u blessed to win

                                                                        queen's speech

                                                                          SUCK A FUCKING DICK
                                                                          ME TERRORBALDE VS ARTEEZY JUGGER

                                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                          queen's speech

                                                                            This is how you win a fucking games you guys


                                                                              Rtz bought bf tho

                                                                              queen's speech

                                                                                this is rather unfortunate


                                                                                  Thanks man