General Discussion

General Discussioni play git gud i always lose

i play git gud i always lose in General Discussion

    hi im a tryhard player who plays pos 1 and i know i can play good but i always lose because of my teammates , i get good farm while they create space but they always die when they create space for me , i farm fast and efficient but i think that's not enough to win a dota 2 game xampxmasmxa why do i always meet retarded and chaotic teammates oxmsa like this game my farm was godly but with my team its impossible to win....

    and btw how do i get gud with terrorblade he's so fun to play and so fun to farm with


      notice me DB GODS


        Dying 8 times as pos 1 :thinking:


          You probably have the same weaknesses as I do
          Unable to deal with snowball and can't play from behind in overall team networth


            ur dying like an idiot, how is that playing good?

            you have a 700 gpm advantage which you just throw away towards your enemy like free candy


              if you suck at being pos 1 try others pos. ez nob


                Hey cookie
                You haven't seen my diebacks in the lategame xd


                  i mean how do you face an tuskar pudge lane , with me as an terrorblade , i know i'd die few times at top but my support left me and the jungle are empty, i don't know why i always get retarded supports who always leave their carry and let him die 4 times always on safelane .


                    and btw i ain't just give my gold lead thye're giving me space but i think that's not enough to win that game cause i was the only damage dealer plus my sf is so retarded , and orge is just an fuckin idiot who does not bloodlust me because of his attitude problem towards me , on that game i was so triggered but managed to stay focus, we still losed Gg


                      ahh the good old '' i played perfectly, my team is trash and my mistakes were inevitable even to dendi"


                        it's true dude plss dont trigger me .. LuL

                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                          Thread, LUL

                          ez Art

                            maybe help your team instead of sit waiting everyone play around YOU because you are the POS1


                              players who are selfishly selfish can't play dota 2 GG and they are them


                                i just win a match like that, the enemy team weaver was a excelent player, with a very nice farm, and they team did 2 super, total advantage, but, we win because some bad decisions from she, the worst one was trying to push without bb, we got that little bug and rushed throne. Maybe you are doing some bad decisions too, u can do a perfect early and mid game, but, some bad decisions late can fuck up the game.


                                  You should have gone boots of travels.
                                  When your team takes a shit fight, you take a racks


                                    I have some games where I go 17-3 and shit but lost the game because of gamelosing mistakes from myself because I took my teammates' rant too seriously
                                    Stop tunnel visioning yourself with stats

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      You are just BD tbh
                                      My teammate abbadon before 10mit and I manage to won it by my proness,7 underline on my hero
                                      MOST KILL
                                      LEAST DEATH
                                      HIGHEST NET
                                      HIGHEST GPM
                                      HIGHEST HD
                                      HIGHEST HEAL
                                      HIGHEST BUILDING DMG


                                        You were in a party....................