General Discussion

General DiscussionFun harass lane combos

Fun harass lane combos in General Discussion
Small Song

    Grab a friend pick Warlock + Jakiro/Veno and go offlane, or mid if your teamates are open minded about a double mid (which they won't be) but not safelane -- shrines ruined safelane. Both heroes emphasize the Q. The enemy carry will either be destroyed or change lanes.

    Seriously, the most fun I've had in dota was waiting...waiting...waiting... then spectre dies halfway across screen for the second time in the first 5 min from DoT and starts dropping f-bombs in all chat.

    The combo of Warlock and Jakiro (veno works essentially the same) was recommended to me from somewhere. So my question to the community:

    What other 2-hero combos can just annoy the freaking crap out through harass? (Emphasis on fun laning stage, less so on late game winning)

    1-IceTea 🌟

      ^Is ok u bully my mid lane, after 8 mit I easily come out from jungle and rape you and take all your net to become mine hahahaha


        Bane + mirana

        Small Song

          ^ Not a frequent player of either. Do you just spam their nukes, or use the nightmare+arrow combo?

          Цей коментар був відредагований

            Yup, nightmare arrow combo doesnt allow for the enemy to react at all if done perfectly

            Feichang Gaoxing

              Viper/necro + Veno


                silencer would fit the combo as well. His Q is ao good for harassing.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  by far the funnest (not a typo) dual laning for me was zeus and pugna. great damage early to mid respectable in late. zeus needs farm tho so u mainly roam wit the pugna and get gold off of those kills

                  Pale Mannie

                    earthshaker + kotl
                    spam fissure and kotl blast for ez lane

                    Pale Mannie
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                      Dire Wolf

                        necro + anything. Necro is so shitty to lane against, but he's pretty squishy and vulnerable 1v2 so you want to offlane with help like 2v2.


                          Any hero against antimage with my teammate picking another core and fucking my farm :)
                          God bless junglers


                            yeeh in BC finale i played silencer with friend necro in offlane. high sustain, high damage output and loads of harrass.

                            needless to say their luna got bullied hard, rotations were forced and space created for our hardcarry. ez win

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              Spirit Breaker and Abaddon is potentially cancerous

                              Spirit breaker gets the attack speed and move speed bonus from Aba's passive, and Abaddon can close the gap more easily with SB's aura. Aba can shield SB to make him even tankier and even heal him up, while the poor carry is getting rekt by constant bashes and slows from the offlane duo.

                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                I swear to you if you try undying and tree it is the most ebola thing in the entire world

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  You could alternatively run spiritbreaker ogre, abaddon ogre, dazzle ogre axe trilane or something like that

                                  Ghastly Wail

                                    AA + CM


                                      KOTL + SKY thats just cancer

                                      Arthritic Quadragenarian

                                        Had a Ogre +venom combo versus a Mirana. Fire blast , gale , ignite, ( she jumps).....wait two seconds....dead


                                          Axe darkseer/ axe omni. Creep cutting constantly and you contest a cs you dead af. Also undying timber works well, both of the Qs reduce stats, effectively making it a one shottable mess(tower diving should be possible from level 3 reactive armore if not earlier

                                          Small Song
                                            Цей коментар було видалено

                                              Did you not read ?^

                                              Small Song

                                                ^^^^^ I've tried KotL and Sky, but was too squishy. In a melee only or no-long-range nuke lanes that would work best.


                                                  UD and necro


                                                    against mele team and idiots in general.

                                                    Dual offlane sandking + another strong hero with a stun (centaur, wraith king, spirit breaker...)
                                                    Generally, after a few min, the enemy leave the lane or leave the game.

                                                    Long hard road out of 2k

                                                      jakiro veno
                                                      aba cent/necro
                                                      ogre sniper/blood

                                                      Long hard road out of 2k

                                                        and for last pudge silencer