General Discussion

General Discussion"The" Right Pick vs. "Your" Right Pick

"The" Right Pick vs. "Your" Right Pick in General Discussion

    Playing with my new 4k mmr team mates, we eventually hit a point where my hero is the last to be picked.
    I have seen this question before, but never really bothered looking at responses.

    There are two main options when it comes to playing winning DotA.
    Playing the hero you are good at (usually a pool of 1-10 heroes), or playing the right hero.

    Which is best?
    Personally, I have to say that the second option is best. I don't have 100+ games on every hero, so I am by no means good at all heroes, but take this match for example.

    I last picked the Axe. This was definalty the right hero to grab to counter several of their heroes. A BKB piercing disable (great against Timber, PA, and Puck), an ult that can finish off Abaddon, the ability to initiate for my Invoker.
    However, at the time, I only had 8 axe games, and played him only once in the last 6 months. If you check the score, you can see that they got rekt. I know I could have done things even better (which is encouraging to me).

    In my opinion, the Right Hero (unless they are a super high cap that you have 0 experience with - io, earth spirit, invoker, kotl) much better than "Your Hero."

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    Ghastly Wail


        it depends how bad the hero you are good at is in the scenario and on your mentality. I know the feeling and we usually say to just pick the hero you feel more comfortable with. my friends tend to play a lot worse on heroes they don't wanna play.

        Elated Mind

          normal bracket players quote </3

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              ^i know im cringing rlly hard.
              Timber destroys axe, whirling death makes quick work of him and if he throws out chakram he doesnt even attack axe.


                I found in Dota this very interesting here in DB most of higher mmr players will tell you spam one hero or very few heroes, i bealive there are heroes, especially core offlaners who are good in every game - example is sandking.But if you read line ups how they will play etc and counter pick, and ofc you know the hero than the game it will be much easier for you.


                  HAHHAHAHAHAHH you picked axe into that thinking it was the right hero xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    On topic. The best is to pick a comfortable hero, every time :)
                    I base that on experience so gl on your journey


                      that was a 4k match? why is it only in high skill? only 1 of your teammate was 4k? or I'm just being stupid right now? the game was too dragged out tho.

                      Also what if the right pick hero is a hero that you wouldn't want to play and you still pick him, isn't that gonna backfire and you will perform poorly? I think its best too not think too much about it and just play what hero you want although it needs to be in the right position, for example if your team need a support then pick a support it doesn't matter what hero it is just pick what support hero you want to play.

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                        @kr, benao, Why not Axe? I laned against the Timber, telling the 2 supports+core to go offlane. I maxed Battlehunger first, harassing him completely out of the lane for the most part.

                        I grabbed an 8 minute dagger due to rotations, making it extremely easy to catch heroes out. I know Axe loses to Timber's high Magic Damage + Stat Loss, but I was more concerned with good early lockdown spell for the Puck + Timber + PA.

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                          Also, either Axe WAS the pick, or I just 100% outplayed guys 1000 MMR above me. Either way, I am happy with the result. :D

                          all role player

                            It depent if the enemy not spammer like me.
                            Even if u Pick counter if the enemy Know how to deal with counter And u have zero experience with the counter it Will backfired.
                            I spam Riki And enemy Pick slardar or bounty to counter me. But the slardar isnt good enough di i just outplay him

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              I only jungle
                              I only have 3 hero pool and it's incredible for me because last year same time my hero pool is 1.

                              If non of my hero countering them or get hard counter I will Still pick them hahaha


                                If u max bh u dont deal dmg to anyone else, and timber saw just gets whirling death and ur lane is over.


                                  I think you pretty much want to pick a hero you're comfortable with. If it's a hard counter like am against dusa and your comfortable on the hero then sure pick it. If it's not a hard counter or your not very good with it and your favorite hero isn't bad in the lineup its pretty much always better to play the hero you're best on.


                                    @Daddy, I wasn't worried about dealing damage to everyone. The main point of the Axe pick was lockdown that would scale at all times of the game. Early game, we have a Jugg, CM, Invoker and a Lina - I did not need to deal AoE damage. Timber gets close enough to do whirling death, he ends up getting hit by lvl 2 spin while already being low because of Battle Hunger. Also, having a solo lane against the Timber, a quick lvl 6 is ez, and dunks follow <3

                                    BTW, a solo lane that game against Timber would be in my favor... why? All of you people hatin, but can anyone answer that?

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                                    Not Saske

                                      well, my comfort hero is a universal hero, like disruptor or ogre, so whatever enemies pick, my pick still relevant.


                                        Idk why anyone wud let axe solo lane against a melee hero thats dumb. Either way, if u want disable pick nyx, a way better pick i believe.


                                          @Daddy, you never answered my question. Why did I have a 1v1 advantage over the Timber that game?


                                            Cuz timber didnt play well enough to abuse whirling death and he probably didnt buy enough regen.
                                            You im guessing pressured him to where he cudnt come near enough to whirling death.


                                              Kind of, but that isn't what gave me the advantage from minute one.
                                              I had the Invoker on my team. Call into 1 or 2 helixes after already being harassed makes for an easy sun strike kill - which did happen once or twice.


                                                I usually try to go for both meta hero and heroes I'm decent at but mainly I go for comfort picks that isn't fucking retarded to the lineup (i wont last pick AM into PA DP meepo alche, you know)


                                                  And yea team synergy > counter picking most of the time

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    just pick shit ur good at and expand ur pool slowly, eventually ur good at enough shit that u can not be countered every game / counter people sometimes

                                                    nothing stopping me from picking fv just because hes slightly offmeta if my teammates pick sniper/jakiro type shits already and the enemy has weaver + ls

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                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      heres a tip for u op
                                                      u wont be troubled with shit like that if u just fp ur hero every game


                                                        What endless said, the only way youre REALLY gonna know when a hero is a good pick is when youve played him hundeds of games and know that scenario.


                                                          @Cookie, what does playing a hero hundreds of times have to do with KNOWING when they are good? I know YOU won't be good with them (probably), but that doesn't change whether or not the hero was good in that scenario.

                                                          I had two players laugh at me for picking Axe to lane against Timber. What is more, they "Play Ranked Matchmaking at a High MMR!". I am either autistic, or Axe was indeed the right pick there (and they were wrong, something a blue star would never admit to a 2k shitstain). Why? Because of the synergy with picks, and the fact that our team needed a hard disable that would scale.


                                                          I know drafting also includes synergy. The point wasn't to say, "PICK A HERO THAT COUNTERS ALL THEIR SHIT." More, pick the "right" hero for the situation, vs the hero you want to play.

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                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            why are you highlighting the "the" in the title, it should be "right"...


                                                              Nope. Because the emphasis is "The" versus "Your," not "Right" vs "Your."

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                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                well as far as i understand it the post was about picking what you are comfortable with, ie "your" pick, contrary to picking what the match demands, ie the "right" pick


                                                                  then there's no point in picking a hero you're not good at.

                                                                  because enigma could be a picture perfect pick, but i'll still take sandking and perform better even if my enemies completely counter me.


                                                                    @7cking done, both picks can be "right"; all that is different is a players view on which pick is more important. I believe that "The" pick is more important, and Cookie believes that "His" pick is more important.

                                                                    @Cookie, maybe it is just me, but unless it is a hero like Io, Earth Spirit, Chen, Visage or Meepo, I have 0 problem playing the hero. I have played Axe 1 time in the last 6 months, yet I was able to beat players 1000 average MMR above me because it was the best pick for the situation.
                                                                    The problem with picking SK even though you are completely countered, is that how well you will perform will be entirely decided by the enemy team - not you. There is a cap with how well you "can" preform. Picking "THE" perfect hero for the situation eliminates the opponents as a factor entirely; making how you perform the only factor. And honestly, I am someone who would rather have control over his own fate.

                                                                    I think I just struggle with how much you HAVE to know about the heroes. I mean, Lifestealer was a perfect pick in a draft recently. Yet the carry player on our 4k team said "I can't play Lifestealer." I was in shock. I mean, 90% of the hero is itemizing. The rest I'd say are reflexes, and knowing how to use your ult.

                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      Playing the hero you are good at (usually a pool of 1-10 heroes), or playing the right hero.

                                                                      In my opinion, the Right Hero (unless they are a super high cap that you have 0 experience with - io, earth spirit, invoker, kotl) much better than "Your Hero."

                                                                      from what you opened with you made the distinction between the apparently "right" pick and (the preferred) "your" pick. if both picks are right (equally effective in the match, only difference is your proficiency with the heroes) then is it so hard to figure out that you pick the hero you are best at, in order to be more impactful?


                                                                        nope, because i can perform like a 6k+ player given that i fully tryhard on SK meanwhile i could pick enigma and perform like a 4k.

                                                                        it has nothing to do with the enemies, only yourself

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                                                                          @Cookie, in my opinion - wrong.
                                                                          SK might be your best hero, but if you are countered hard, it doesn't matter how well you play. Your impact will be measurable, if not less than a better hero. If you pick SK in that scenario and still win, it will more than likely be because of your teammates play, not yours.

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                                                                            But the thing is, it's not pro dota, it's some pub dota
                                                                            There are shittons of things you can abuse and play around which you can do more often with your best heroes than with heroes you do okay with, hell, even in pro games Abed still gets meepo drafted for him and still doesn't give a fuck about his counters

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              I think how the hero synergizes with your team is more important than countering opposing team, EXCEPT FOR ANCIENT APARITION. That hero is such fucking bullshit vs any healing important team like he completely fucks over lifestealers like troll, regen heroes like slark and alch, and healers like omni and necro. Earthshaker vs chaos knight, pl and meepo is probably the only other thing that comes close.

                                                                              For example I love picking medusa after enemy team has carries mid and safe lane to see other team scramble into an offlane anti mage pick. They never win despite the counter cus it's a shitty setup for their team.


                                                                                if ck is the best pick in a draft I would still play better on a pa or a weaver or a lifestealer and would be more likely to win the game on any of these heroes even against counters.


                                                                                  NO IT WON'T BECAUSE I KNOW HOW TO PLAY AGAINST COUNTERS

                                                                                  I LEARN ALL OF MY HEROES BY INSTAPICKING THEM SO ENEMY WILL COUNTER ME IN PUBS

                                                                                  THEN LATER WHENEVER I PICK THEM I ALREADY KNOW HOW TO PLAY VS MY COUNTERS

                                                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                    Plus, its pub dota anyway
                                                                                    Drafting the right heroes is only legit given 10 perfect players playing a 5v5 match
                                                                                    Even pros go for comfort picks and goes "Fuck this guys lets pick yo sick ass SF LUL"


                                                                                      It's not only that. It might be the perfect counter but it won't fit and you'll lose without a chance to even turn it around


                                                                                        Lol, Cookie triggered.

                                                                                        @Benao, it doesn't even have to be a perfect counter, it can be a perfect synergistic pick with your team. I am just a lover of versatility - aside from my love for Invoker.

                                                                                        @Skim, when drafting, I try to take out what I want to play (unless its an Invoker day) in favor of what it takes to win. To me, winning is more fun than losing, and picking the hero best suited to the draft gives me the best results.

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                                                                                          Putins Price Hike

                                                                                            you should get better at more heroes. get a bigger hero pool

                                                                                            Player 404335202



                                                                                                Ok, try to teach me to dota again pls

                                                                                                fucking inept, do whatever you fuckign want