General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade

Terrorblade in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    Can someone help me with terrorblade? I like the hero, but i suck with him
    When to pick him? Also, my build seems very wrong


      Strong against physical damage
      Trash against silence and nukes
      3232323214 if I remember correctly
      Spawn illusions before popping meta for higher damage percentage (with the exception of you needing to purge off shits/dodge projectiles with manta)
      Treads aquila dragon lance manta into situational stuffs
      Farm both lane creeps and jungle creeps at the same time
      Apply pressure when metamorphosis is up
      Farm and try to rat when it's down

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        Buy dagon

        Get ur hp to low as possible, then get close to enemy who just stare at ur freaking low hp, sunder him, then dagon, type gg tq

        Ez insta reported


          Get armlet la


            Go into an empty lobby, practice lasthitting until you have Dragon lance + yasha + aquila. Don't buy anything else.

            Then go and try to hit 700+ GPM over 10 mins.

            Then take it to a bot game vs unfairs.

            Then take it to unranked.

            Never be in the middle of a fight. Being in the middle of the fight means stuns and no using sunder. Dragon lance helps you stay on the outside of the fight.

            The moment meta runs out, spawn an illusion during the transformation time. It will be metamorphosised even though the main hero is not.

            You should have dragon lance, manta style, skadi, BKB by at most 35 mins.

            Don't waste metamorphosis. Always aim to kill a tower when you have it up. You can kill buildings faster than NP.

            Armlet build is crap and wastes all of his potential. It is easily counterable and is guaranteed to fall off. The better way to build him is as a late game carry. 6-slot looks like this:

            Tp boots
            Manta style
            Hurricane pike
            Eaten moonshard

            If you don't screw up then you should be able to win easily at this point.

            Spread out your illusions to be immune to AOE.

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              how many times do i have to say it, in low mmr your hero pick doesn't matter


                It does matter if you suck and can't play around your counters xd


                  i'd say never pick him against tinker,if the tinker actually has brains in the bracket it is


                    that's why you instapick it to learn to play against your counters.

                    no one in low bracket has any brains, i've played brood vs shaker lina jugger 3lane and stomped them


                      ^ none of them are your lane counters anyway

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                          Whats the problem to find a pro-player's replays and watch? Look for rtz's ones

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                            Because not everyone can see the little things they do or can find out why pros do certain things/the reasoning behind it
                            Hence the miracle wannabes, etc

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                              anyone can learn to, just that they don't want to

                              majority doesn't even wanna try, and the most of ones that do try just watch passively without analyzing


                                You can't see how disciplined pros are at controlling their lanes and how they do it if you don't even know how lane equilibrium works
                                Some (or sadly, most) people doesn't have the mindset to get the most out of analyzing replays

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                                  yes you can, because that's exactly what creep equilibrium is.

                                  also just because 1 guy doesn't know how to harass or control lane, doesn't mean he doesn't know how to push or gank.

                                  you can train different aspects individually.

                                  you can take a replay yourself, watch 2 6ks with the same mmr play the same hero in the same team or against same enemies

                                  they'll completely play it differently, 1 guy may be great at pushing, but other guy is good at ganking.

                                  doesn't matter, because both won the game in their own ways.

                                  same thing with low plebs analyising, maybe they don't know basic mechanics, but they can pick some tricks up to increase their mmr.

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                                  Andre Kairalla

                                    I know playing against my counters is good to learn the hero, but ita kinda frustrating to play against linas and legions and having you illusion die in 1 sec

                                    Thats why i wanted advices on builds, maybe i cant play around my counters because my build is wrong, idk


                                      item build is nearly always the same on him (atleast in the early-mid game) you go pms/aquila/treads/raindrops maybe/dl after this you sometimes need a bkb but i would try to avoid it (you need it in like 5% of your games) if you don´t need it get a manta after manta it depends on the game bf/skadi/bkb most of the time and sometimes you need satanic/mkb/daed/pike/ac is ok if you play vs et. your skillbuild should be meta and illus in the early game. i don´t rly see any reason to get your 1st because it just slows down your farm. if you are free farming skip the ult until lvl 9. pick tb vs heros with physical dmg or when they have strong auras like alch (radi+shivas) or luna/am also just kill themselves.


                                        Sometimes its not about the hero but more about your basics, eg. farming patterns and decision making that needs brushing up. Also, don't underestimate the power of "small" items like aquila, raindrops and pms. And of course be sure your team/party is going to play around you, as you will need farms and the availability of neutrals, especially when the game is turning against your favour.

                                        But with that said I'm only stating the more general stuff as I believe the answers can be found above. Don't take me too seriously I'm only a scrub.

                                        also jdf8

                                          outfarm, split enemy team. when your team can beat their team, get aegis and push

                                          if your team will forever be weaker get items like travel/blink and get rich from ratting while creating space for your team and not dying