General Discussion

General Discussionsoooooooooooooooo!

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    Jugg or Lifestealer? why?

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Both,because both can nicely feeding me

      Fee Too Pee

        I rather have jugg in my team rather that "really slow mobility cannot catch anyone solo red ketchup bottle thingy"

        Seriously lifestealer cannot catch anyone solo in early mid and late game is a fucking annoying weakness


          Jugg because lifestealer requires some coordination with teammates


            Lifestealer is where it's at, get midas->win game.


              Lifestealer because you can feed on squishy supports all game. Easiest way to destroy a team
              Is to tilt the support and have everyone turn Against the supports. Then the support stops buying wards = ez game


                :thinking: but jugg can eat those backliners too :thinking:

                mr. rabbit

                  @jacked that doesnt happen because in scrub tier theres this mentality where "hes just a support" so it kind of doesnt matter if he feeds

                  the best way to tilt the enemy is to make them fail their safelane such that their support whines about their carry and their carry whines about their support xd


                    life stealer is stronger earlier and is really good against heroes with no escapes. Tanky and self sufficient so it doesnt really matter how good or bad your support is and can be run pretty much everywhere.


                      unless your enemy runs an illusion lineup

                      Erase Humanity

                        Both are overrated.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I don't like lifestealer at all anymore. He farms too slow and gets kited like crazy. Only good if team sets you up and in that case jug would be just as good I think. Only better than jug when you have someone to infest like slardar or maybe axe, or if countering a shit ton of strength heroes like alch, axe, centaur.

                          Fox McCloud

                            Lifestealer by a mile - IF you can get a way to properly Infest bomb.

                            Doesn't have to be Slardar, pretty much any offlaner can work tbh.