General Discussion

General DiscussionAre losing streaks normal?

Are losing streaks normal? in General Discussion

    I occasionally go on losing streaks where I lose 5+ games in a row. Does that mean I'm not good enough for my mmr or is this normal?
    I increase mmr overall though.


      Normal, look at my games. Lost like 200 MMR. LUL. Now just playing on 3k and learning new heroes there.


        Normal? Yea but probably cqused by not playing ur best game/feeling down. u would understand easily if you arent csing like u usually do or make dumb plays/decisions


          Just dont play that moment, play an unranked l8er then continue

          < blank >

            sometimes i drop around 1000 mmr and climb back, so yes it's normal

            1-IceTea 🌟

              5 matches it's quite normal


                all players have a different "stability" factor. I wouldn't say 1000mmr lose streaks are normal. Some players maintain 50% but don't really lose more than 5 in a row (or very rarely). Some are like u lose streaks followed by winstreaks and overall gain in mmr.

                Farm then Carry

                  I just play a bit of basketball to wake up my mind and body. Usually after that I can cs better than without a warm-up. And yes, a losing streak is normal.


                    The fact that youre in 3k means that youre not good.

                    On the other hand not the losing streaks, sometimes youll just get super high variance games and even them all in a row.

                    Story Time

                      loosing streaks are normal in a sense of a normal distribution of quality of teammates and your skills over time. Often when people say that something is impossible, it has still a non negative probability of happening, therefore even the 1000 losing streak is possible even though not so likely to happen to everyone.


                        I'm already crying over losing 75 mmr


                          I've had way worse losing streaks and I can honestly say yours is quite normal. I dropped about 300 MMR in under a week a while back and it was a combination of just getting teammates who bought their accounts as well teammates who abandoned games. I'd like to think you're just a little "off" in those periods since you do have a net gain in MMR.


                            i find a way how to escape lose streak and it works for me start a game and mute all players before draft start pick sup or jungle ( cm axe) and when u back to winstreak again u can ply normaly without mute ppl or pick jungle

                            Midas 👋🏻

                              Apparently in my 1.9k account I went completly smooth reaching 2.6k but since April it's already summer here so I started to lose mmr now im 2.4k.Tis the season of pinoy kids in cafes and playing rank.


                                Main account came from 4026 to its lowest 3364. Its normal. But in my case I admit my stupidity for playing ranked, well in fact i stopped playing dota for 3 months. I came back with a 2K mentality. I am able to grind it back up to 3.6k. Good luck to you

                                Midas 👋🏻