General Discussion

General Discussionroad to 5k

road to 5k in General Discussion

    for those who say 3k is the trench, i will prove you wrong.

    doc joferlyn simp

      >plays at 3.7k
      >normally plays at 5k
      >spams his best hero
      >thinks hes proving something


        cheeki briki


          ^ while he is not even 3k.


            two years ago i scrimed with heen, forev, black^ and mp on this account


            doc joferlyn simp

              does my being 2.9k discredit what ive said?

              jesus all these sensitive fucktards hiding behind the comforts of their MMR, lmao


                lol, 2k monkey u should just go play LOL, seriously.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  man if you are playing 3.7k when you are saying 3k is the trench, thats not how it works. you have to play from low 3k to actually say youve climbed from 3k

                  why are you even doing this? ofc youd shitstomp cuz youre playing your best hero and you brag so much about how you have 3 accs with a blue star? tryna compensate for something?

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    UNGA BUNGA u low memer u kno say rite things UNGA BUNGA


                      LOL, i started from 3.4k and abandon whenever i dont get to play solo offlane and i stomped all the shitty low prio games.

                      git gud first before u talk, 2k monkeys.


                        Just a digression, I always wanted to know, is 0-1000 mmr 0k mmr or 1k mmr? Jesus, silly me, just asking.

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        doc joferlyn simp

                          UNGA BUNGA low memer nunununununu shattap UNGA BUNGA

                          mr. rabbit

                            frank how do u normally play offlane

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Where your dog face?It suit u don't change it.
                              and ya ya 3K is not a tranch for u,big deal. 6K is a tranchs for u then lul


                                you're not gonna prove anything, only to the fact that those who you're trying to prove it to are little 12 year old kids with dunning kruger who won't accept evidence

                                recently i've seen some kid look for excuses in waga's 3k games as ''omg trench is real waga cant win at 3.5k"


                                  goodluck bro..hahah..& never mind the monkeys with crab brain..wahahaha, hurt much


                                    A trench is only a trench when the skill level hits a plateau.


                                      the trench is where your skillcap is



                                      also jdf8

                                        3k trench is impossible to climb out of. it is all luck

                                        Gyattysburg Addrizz

                                          You were never supposed to win all of your games. There are going to be games where you play close to perfectly and still lose- this is true at any mmr. It's not really a trench, I think everyone is super ashamed of the fact that they might actually be a 3k dota player- there's nothing wrong with that tbh, it's technically above the 2200 ish average (at least that's what I heard somewhere someone fact check me) but people who say it's impossible to get out of the trenches are a little mislead since, yknow, there are people above this "trench"


                                            I was able to climb my cousins 2.7k account to low 4k. And yes. The trench is a trench when your skill level plateaued at your mind's trench


                                              I play at internet cafes and normally you would seldom see people with mmr above 3Ks. So you should be thankful enough to be in 3K

                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                so its the skill level, even if you mumble here a lot say fuck and shit to people some is still 2k monkey. even if you change your name nothing will happen. wew, shoots fired xd

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  lmao butthurt little boi cant get over the ass slapping i gave him xd

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    if you knew me even a little bit youd know i frequently change profile because i dont have anything else to do since i cant play. the fact that you still try to throw shade at me on a personal level speaks volumes of your desperation and level of patheticness


                                                      Don't let these crabs hold you back Frank, show the world who the best offlane riki is!


                                                        yeah, nevermine the crabs xd..butthurt..hahaha


                                                          Does Waga Lose at 3.5k game? Holt shit


                                                            Frank is really good tho, even if he doesn't play riki he could still easily be 5k. His point that 3k being a trench is myth is true, people here are not even talking about the topic lmao.


                                                              1-2k monkeys are allowed to speak. and they think you are shitty riki frank


                                                                not even 7k and boasting. lul what is this, amateur hour on dotabuff?

                                                                Player 404335202

                                                                  ZDpnfrank ? Do u play riki safelane ?


                                                                    ^ I dont play safelane riki, there are countless many better options for safelane.

                                                                    safelane is usually for crybabies who would cry after dying 1-2 times as opposed to offlaners who get blamed and cant cry after getting ganked multiple times, so i dont play safelane.

                                                                    i only play safelane/mid in low prio, which i stomp most of the time.

                                                                    there is a little secret for riki now, which you can find out. i wont tell them. see the chart below. 18 matches riki, 2 matches weaver. almost max score in dotamax.


                                                                      what on earth is that radar chart from?


                                                                        just go win games like icedtea and some would acknowledge u but still u wont please everybody.




                                                                            frank sees other blue stars posting about their climb, then makes a similar thread because he is the biggest attention whor around


                                                                              Oh shit. What's that frank? My posts are invalid because I'm 1k? Lul.


                                                                                but ......u only play riki ??? wanna see ur injoker fat little man with pingoy eyes and pig neck readdy to get slained for diner
                                                                                hihihi git gud go to gym