General Discussion

General Discussionam i the only one who has a wr below 50% ?

am i the only one who has a wr below 50% ? in General Discussion
Welson Tayong

    i just realized that i have 46% winrate wtf, how do u guys have 50%+ winrate


      we destroy the enemy ancient, and obviously you aren't the only one.

      for us to have 50%+ winrates, someone has to be on the short end of the dick taking it all.


        someone has to be on the short end of the dick taking it all.


        Welson Tayong

          will my winrate ever get to 50 ? cause i really couldnt get any higher winning streak than 3 :(


            you could just play party mmr and tryhard with your friends to inflate your winrate
            or party with high mmr people using their smurfs to get massive winstreaks
            ex: like this guy
            or just git gud to win solo games on your own

            Welson Tayong

              lot of smurfs in 3.5 lately, but i think it will help me improve, hmm good idea

              Negative Mental Attitude

                honestly if you afk farm as carry you'll win more games than u lose in 3k. Like people in 3k actually forget to hit creeps.

                Pma and not raging also helps, a lot of games that seem like they're fucking over can be won by muting your team, not saying shit, and just playing


                  if you throw, you lose and you have low win rate. i didnt give a shit about winning or playing at one point and it really reflected on my winrate, even though if you check my last week plays its 65%+

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                  Chao Vritra

                    I can't help but feel most posters on here are on smurf accounts...A lot of people talk like they have been playing for years and years but will only have a few hundred games on their profile, in which case it is easier to have a better WR.

                    I have fallen way under 50. Just a combination of me having learned dota on this account, and at one point I was always in LP from a bad internet connection.


                      LP is easy as hell to get out of, this is the account where i learned dota on and I have a 55% winrate.


                        it means u hit your ceiling, and then everyone else got better, or u kinda got worst, maybe started playing a role u r not that good at.

                        but i mean, keep it up so i can maintain my winrate. thx


                          Wut if you get into LP more often than you get out?
                          Literally played more than 2/5 of my games in LP


                            OP you still have very few games played. Wait it out I guarantee you will get better.


                              just git gud mate i once had 36% win rate on espirit


                                lmao my solo winrate is 56-57%, parties brought it to 53


                                  reshnin like this guy rofl

                                  Savvy Cat

                                    43.08% win rate in ranked... Oh dear.

                                    Ghastly Wail

                                      47.75% Overall.
                                      But i dont mind, still having fun playing (most of the Time :D)


                                        Win more games. Stop losing


                                          Yeah man i feel you!


                                            My ranked winrate is 45% because im still trying to carry my garbo stats out. Im currently on a ranked winstreak sooo


                                              Play Chen or io, your winrate should reach 90% in days