General Discussion

General Discussionfighting with no initiator

fighting with no initiator in General Discussion

    how do you fight without an initiator or your initiator is scared. seriously i've lost 2 games today that shouldnt have been lost because my initiator is scared and cant identify kill potentials like if an enemy is out of position. My initiator is sometimes just plain out of position (hes wayyy back in the fight and not even in blink dagger range). seriously how do you fight like this? cant counter initiate either because enemy is waiting for my initiator until our rax just gets destroyed. Sometimes I have to initiate myself and just wait for him to counter initiate, it works but I just soak up all the dmg and die immediately that it doesnt even matter. My tidehunter only casted ravage 6 times 1 of them is just a panic ravage and another one was just wasted ravage on 2 supps. I cant blame my initiator because this is just how he plays I just want to know HOW I should play in this situation


      Just keep waiting until something happens lol.


        Pick Necro build blink dagger, jump onto their carry then W, watch their team throw a spell at you and watch as your team jump on their key hero before they (your team) rip them (key hero) apart.

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Go Ursa blink dagger, you're both initiator and a carry now


            That means youre the noob one cause youre gone too far from your teammate and by that fact you say that your initiator is scared. Some 2k scrubs you are LOL


              if ur initiation is deathly scared of enemy heroes then you might as well just go afk in the fountain or count on splipush


                That means youre the noob one cause youre gone too far from your teammate and by that fact you say that your initiator is scared. Some 2k scrubs you are LOL
                how ironic why dont you look at your MMR. I'm actually 3k which isnt something to brag about. THis shit only happens in my party mmr because I always queue with 1k mmr players.
                you shouldnt say this shit without context because you dont know how wrong you are

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