General Discussion

General Discussionhelp with midlane

help with midlane in General Discussion
chicken spook,,,,

    hey guys its your resident unfair bot match spammer here
    recently ive been taking interest in the midlane because i dont have to bother with annoying lane partner, any tips on how to play mid? didnt found any decent insight on mid on recent posts
    also suggest me some midlane heroes suitable for beginners like me

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    doc joferlyn simp

      try slark juggernaut pa. low mmr people dont know how to punish weak lanes so you can just farm and farm until youre fat af and kill people. worked for me


        dear Oxygen thief,

        There is about 10,000 guides+ on mid, Use your initiative, If you can't find a guide on youtube or atleast a replay analysis. Than you will never have the spacial awareness to play mid.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        chicken spook,,,,

          i just thought its better to listen to high level players straightforward than guides
          but w/e

          old man

            storm is hardly countered in low mmr games. sf and invoker are also good but you need the skills tho. idk about tips since its been two years since i played mid