I didn't realize dota was CoD now? Getting two towers and dying for it is usually worth even though it may make your KDA look worse...
Now obviously a higher KDA is nicer but there's things like supporting/pushing that KDA wont take into effect...
All about being useful to your team and winning the game. 0-22 Win > 17-2 Loss.
This is not Call of Duty. There are some games where you get 0 - 20 - 0 and you still are the MVP, just saying.
Didn't I just watch a video of arteezy invoker raping you by the dire rune ryze. Meatball to the face
wanna ask, is this smurf account kda good ? im just create this just for fun and all the game was played in a party with my friend, ty for the answer ^^
When you die and how you die is much more relevant than how many times you die. So kda alone doesn't mean much. You can go 5-1-5 and have kda of 10 but if you die pushing enemy high ground with no buyback and they run down and throne you that death is game throwing. While the guy who gets ganked under tower early a few times can still farm his way back into game and win.
IMO, KDA is very relevant.
In almost every game, where my D is more or equal to K, I've made a shitload of mistakes and tilted like a retard, deserved to lose that game.
You don't die much, if you play right.
Literally, if you play with the number of deaths more than 1.5 per 10 mins, you've played poorly, no matter the situation in the vast majority of cases.
Whenever I've died, that was due to a miscalculation most of the time, rather than something I couldn't predict.
I consider KDA a reliable performance parameter. Even if you are a support/utility offlane player.
Those, who say "KDA is irrelevant" usually play like complete shit, usually passive (the worst kind) supports, don't contribute in teamfights, etc.
It is OK for a support to be like 1-5-19 by the end of the game.
But stuff like 0-11-2 is an obvious low-impact garbage play.
no it's irrelavant because how you die is more relevant than how many death you have. and killing more doesn't mean winning a game!
Doesn't mean winning, sure, but it drastically draws the probability of winning up or down, hence the gold advantage.
Killing a Rubick support is like clearing a 1.5 of a jungle creep spawn, every time that shitstain decides to go place some wards and mindlessly feeds.
GPM, XPM, KDA, etc. all these parameters just describe probabilities of win/loss with different weight coefficients.
Pretty sure I would rather have a guy who go 11-2-5 and ends the game asap than a guy who go 40-2-15 and spins around doing nothing
The KDA that wins is a good KDA
ahh sheet guys. that's the truth right there. some players have sick kda, some have bad kda. but what matters is whether you win. sure if u have bad kda>>you optimize ur kda in ur games, u might improve.
similarly, if u have good kda, but maybe u start changing your playstyle to tank spells, trade kills, u may even win more despite lower kda. who knows
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