General Discussion

General DiscussionShare those heroes that you JUST CANNOT WIN AGAINST EVERYTIME there

Share those heroes that you JUST CANNOT WIN AGAINST EVERYTIME there in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Mine is :
    AM , Screw that BF buff , Screw that split push buff, U HAVE ADVANTAGES ??? SPLIT PUSH MEGA CREEPS ROFL

    and Treant , frickin treant , permanent invisiblity with bash , drain my money , just frustating to play against, Root out of nowhere

    PS : if u guys have any solution for split pushing fuckers its welcome , its so frutating to get comeback'd against split pusher. and yes i am unleashing my anger again ROFL

    white boy summer

      boots of travel

      Mr. Takamura

        A good meepo player, especially because I use AM a lot on ranked. I can handle BS anytime but a good meepo players are annoying af..


          I dont know man. I'm winning most of my games lately.


            am when my team dont have real disable


              i find that when there's an am on enemy team it is usually a free win.

              you may destroy the pu55y, but can u destroy the enemy ancient?

              死の恐怖 Haseo



                  in estonian sinep = mustard and peenis = penis

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    Vs spectre I always lose.
                    Vs legion commander I always win.

                    Farm then Carry

                      I think everyone can agree that they lost to a techies once. Anyone? Just me? K then
                      Against pudge is also annoying


                        i used to rape ember with meepo before 7.00 patch but now it feels like ember is the hardest hero to kill

                        Dire Wolf

                          Axe and bloodseeker always snowball like crazy against my teams. Even when we win they have really good games and we barely win.

                          Not joking in the least look at vs axe, 30% win rate.


                          Blood I guess I haven't played much.


                          Livin' Real Good

                            I would say axe, but i win against him just as much as I lose. I can't stand that hero, and I get so triggered the moment I finish telling my teammates we need to smoke and do something before one of our key heroes randomly gets called and dunked by axe, then sure enough, someone gets called then tells me to " stfu. " If we don't do something, it's only a matter of time. The moment I hear " RAWR! " I just wanna punch the axe player, nothing makes me feel better than seeing an Axe miss a call and then counter initiating on him and then killing him.

                            In other words axe is almost always a problem, I ban him every fucking time.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              37%wr against axe, thats better than i expected. i guess i have 50% wr against him on sf coz i can destroy him if he doesnt call me pretty much so it helps...

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Axe. Literally just Axe.

                                And I love supporting, but for some reason, if I decide to support in party games, it just turns out to be a very shit game....


                                  Tree is one of the most annoying hero wtf is that tower heal ability


                                    alche, spec, dusa
                                    you always have to apply constant pressure and it gets tiresome


                                      i thought is invoker but my wr vs invo is 56% wr

                                      basement :)

                                        Terrorblade is cancer.


                                          Playing with apoop is the real cancer

                                          mr. rabbit

                                            meepo or tink


                                              Hate Riki. Out of sight out of mind.

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                That's why I grind my limit from 4.6 to 5.2 less then 2 months


                                                  lol look at your SD game xD


                                                    tinker, it's not so much that you can't win against the hero it's that constant need to outplay him. Like literally this hero fucking takes either a good counterpick, or a fucking shitload of playing around this tiny little fuck.



                                                      you need jug to go HG cause of his healing ward. once he gets aghs, oh man...

                                                      march march march!


                                                        Axe : You have 30k net worth ? let me call you with blademail.
                                                        Juggernaut : That annoying free BKB and Invulnerability while fighting ? yes, give me more.
                                                        Any invis hero, but particularly riki and Clinkz, as they can deal alot of damage after invis. This means in my bracket, I must be support since if I let my teammates to support they wont buy dust and sentry and opt to get random item first.

                                                        GRANT MACDONALD

                                                          A 15 min bloodseeker with 12 kills, radiance and BoTs. Oh and the speed of a ferrari

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            Fucknig Techies. It's always Techies.


                                                              pushers. and high damage output.

                                                              CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                                i never win against good supports fuck supports

                                                                feel realised

                                                                  Axe cause he's cancer af