General Discussion

General DiscussionI learned how to carry in 1K SEA

I learned how to carry in 1K SEA in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    950 GPM on am :laugh:

    old man


      doc joferlyn simp


        Hey guys! He was 50 GPM shy of being a 1k GPM Anti-Mage god!




            Cant touch the 1111 AM god tho

            Farm then Carry



                Didnt buy Midas. That's why you're not the 1k gpm am god.


                  Burning bought midas on AM must be new meta omagad


                    all of them are 1k and hard to communicate with. I got lucky and this pignoy made my day by raging because he keeps dying as pa againts techie... doesn't know how to deward the mines. idiot pa.

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      Nice story diox.


                        because the proximity mines can't be detected by wards


                          just walk and when you hear cringing sound find the mine and hit it. this pa is dumb and started saying puta, bobo, ina mo, yan yan patay na bobo bobo. and I didn't die I just said to him baka and he yell in microphone I can't stop laughing and I said that he sounds like a prostitute with herpes in his vocal cords and started flaming on me XD.


                            cool story




                                wow 950 gpm on antimage i've never seen that before. :^)

                                (sorted by last month only)

                                and here's a game from 2k

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  ^seeing am is your most played, I don't expect any less :D


                                    it's not hard to hit creeps. if i went into an empty lobby i'd get 1000+ gpm every game.

                                    if i was playing 2k games i'd also get 1000+ every game.

                                    the hard part is not getting killed/avoiding their team/etc.

                                    anyway, my point is high gpm really isn't impressive if isn't consistent. any monkey can have a good game where he just free farms the entire game, especially in his 1k bracket where everyone is braindead.

                                    low prio master

                                      Here 1100gpm on Axe


                                        Who's better at am. Marlan or cutpaste


                                          u can't really determine that without examining both players in depth.

                                          but his stats are higher and he plays in higher mmr, so at a glance u can easily determine he is better.



                                          he does a lot better with the hero, so probably he is better.

                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                          casual gamer

                                            900 gpm wow!

                                            never see on mgania before

                                            casual gamer

                                              tfw when u got 15 cs min but didnt go for the authentic midas experience

                                              casual gamer

                                                jesus christ the antimage wnrates please mark nsfw ty


                                                  wtf ur all time record is only 950? i sorted by this month only


                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                  Farm then Carry

                                                    Hey, it's not everyday I get 900+ GPM :l

                                                    Farm then Carry

                                                      Besides, I'm still a lowly 1K :smile:

                                                      also jdf8


                                                        i have more mmr though jajajajjaajjajajajajajajajajjajaajjajajajj

                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                        Farm then Carry



                                                            im gettin up there, im still maintaining like 70% winrate, but i hate solo so i only play like 5 games a week.

                                                            im gonna fucking get to 6k and then snipe u and when ur on my team im running down mid LUL

                                                            Farm then Carry

                                                              ^ who you talkin to?

                                                              also jdf8

                                                                gl catching me dude i have 100% winrate at 0 games a week

                                                                beat salt and sanctuary 17 times though