General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't buy midas

Don't buy midas in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    At kiev teams that buy 3 or more midases win something horrid like 17% of the time the announcers said. The experience nerf is huge for supports and the gold buff still doesn't justify it for carries. I'd just ignore it and only get on invoker.


      It used to be good, now it sucks.

      i follow Jesus.

        always get midas.
        less resource on the map.
        guess why fucking medusa is winning games?? BECAUSE MIDAS
        QOP TOO
        midas is good in a different way, and its even better than before

        i remember arteezy's words for midas before the so called "nerf": if 2k gold can change the game, dont buy midas. NOW HE BUYS IT ON EVERY HERO. i wonder why.

        зачем я начал поиск

          Why would you apply the rules of professional Dota to pubs? Never understood this.

          Besides, Midas is situational and sometimes it is a must in a particular draft/game scenario.

          Just use your own brain, without trying to apply retarded generalized rules like NEVER BUY THIS or ALWAYS BUY THAT for fuck's sake.

          There are games, where Midas works, there are games, where it doesn't. Both types of games happen. End of story.

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            Before the game will begin in pro scene, the team must have already agreed if one of them are going to build Midas or not and how much farm they can get. It's like they already arranged their farming pattern with a consent from everybody in the team. Unlike pubs where anybody can grab Midas then use it howsoever they want as long as it don't screw their team up in the long run.

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              Cheap Laugh Guy

                There are some games you shouldn't but MOSTLY there are games you should
                3 is too much and game losing tho

                Midas is safe for potential long games, sacrificing around 10 mins of a core item. In pubs, you can't always have a sustaining playstyle with your team. The game can easily end when your team get 2 or 3 Midas if the opponent notices and take advantage of it (But then again it's pub they don't have a team plan to punish and they buy 3 Midas too)

                Dire Wolf

                  I'm not saying this as opinion but as fact, stats show midas loses more games than it wins.


                    I buy midas when there's an enemy late gamer in the opposing team. Like a spectre, naga and other shit cause I know shit gonna get real soon

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      ^For me I wouldn't buy Midas and impact early game as much as I can so game ends before their hard carry becomes fat
                      Unless there is a hard carry hero in my team

                      But this plan always fail because fucken 4k flat carries doesnt seem to understand when to take objectives and stalled the game to a point where I am lowest networth


                        Yea lets buy midas and go for the lategame against lategame heroes ._.


                          I never understood the logic of preparing for what you don't want to happen, rather than avoiding it

                          Especially heroes like spectre, you have a good 20-25 minutes in a pub before she can farm with radiance


                            Pikachu, ur mentality is the exact opposite of what u shud do
                            end early before theyre fat, a midas wont help ur pa outcarry a dusa.

                            Mr. Jin

                              Not for every hero. It doesn't synergies will with some heroes. Like troll. U already got very high aspd, the midas juz works as a every min extra income. Even maelstorm is better in that case. A note to take is that midas gives reliable gold.

                                Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                  midas is beter now i get agh on voker faster


                                    Why is midas dusa a thing. Isn't it better to farm a yasha or smth

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Turtling is now a bit more viable because highground defense is now very easy with the changes to tower armor and shrines, Midas brings the lategame closer with each use that's why strong lategame teams are advised to invest in a couple Midases.

                                      Ultra-late game carries like Dusa or Spec also scale very well with just level vs something like an AM, just because of their natural tankiness, so the XP part of Midas is not wasted on them

                                      yung griphook

                                        I more curious to see the winrates for teams who have supports build it than I am with overall winrates with the item

                                        Savvy Cat

                                          Midas is good for long games?

                                          Plays 2k games all the time. Games last like 80 minutes on average. Midas op in 2k gaming?


                                            m-m-m-money your just noob. can you see that on yourself?

                                            edit: your noob because you don't know how to use midas and its purpose.

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                                              just buy midas on every hero