General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to spam a hero without getting bored

How to spam a hero without getting bored in General Discussion
Siccness for the thiccness

    Any advice?


      Try unorthodox item builds.


        Spam it

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          It takes abnormal mentality to do so


            Spammers are spamming heroes that they like to play. for me for example, other heroes bore me af


              Either you spam a hero that you enjoy playing (likr my sk am arc)

              Or you spam it for the sake of mmr

              No one is forcing you to go 5k+, you can stay a 4k scrub for the rest of your life for all i care.

              Siccness for the thiccness

                I actually get bored after playing a hero 3 times in a row especially if I'm winning . LMFAO

                Siccness for the thiccness

                  RIKI how do you spam?


                    maybe play interesting heros

                    ofc you get bored after playing 5 games of riki or troll

                    some satisfying heros? i dont think landing a good black hole/rp ever gets boring, or instantly blowing up 2 enemies as CK

                    or a good iceblast as AA

                    = heros with skillshots / high skill cap or hero you just naturall enjoy

                    you have a 63% winrate as pugde. fits into most lineups, hardly any counters, satisfying hooks to land

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      Protip: enjoy the hero you spam

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      Siccness for the thiccness

                        That's actually my problem. Even the heroes I really enjoy (invoker,tinker,storm) I still get bored pretty easily.


                          Choose a hero you enjoy playing a lot


                            I don't think there will be anyone that can offer tips that will sate your question (other than what Chris has said) as this is entirely up to you, and why would you force yourself to spam a hero if you don't enjoy it.


                              is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

                              Siccness for the thiccness

                                Yeah. Guess I should just enjoy the game rather than aim for higher mmr without having any fun

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  when i get tired of spamming i usually try to look for ways of improving my performance with the hero(i.e change the laning or early game style, try some new item on the hero, learn a little tip for them or jsut practice combo/timings) and then enthusiasm kicks in

                                  Siccness for the thiccness

                                    Aight. Thanks guys!

                                    ILC - Lethal Ninja


                                      I SPAM RIKI 2650 TIMES AND STILL LOVING IT..


                                        If i knew the answer i wouldve spamed necro and venomancer. but i got bored


                                          ^ilc even if you love the character you feel like trying new ones. Its like music you gotta try new ones

                                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                            ggwp... not really.. You dont try new wife.. ok im not saying riki is my wife.. its ok to learn new character.. i learn it when im in lp... tried a few and still think riki is the best..

                                            Mr. Jin

                                              True u get bored easily. I spammed medu and I'm already bored. Unless u play challenging heroes like invoker, meepo or tinker.


                                                spam 2650 times and still 4.5k, feelsbadman


                                                  feelsbadman really rofl

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    HOW TO SPAM A HERO WITHOUT GETTING BORED

                                                    win with them

                                                    ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                      hi dog face, why dont you create one account and start from 3.0k again... Talk is always easy..Talk to any of the 3k and you know


                                                        play Troll Ez WIn


                                                          Troll is not boring


                                                            Become one with the hero


                                                              Yes let the troll flow through you. Disgusting animal


                                                                @ilc lol thats nice analogy


                                                                  ILC old riki kid, i raised 2 accounts from 3.5k to 5k within 1-2 months last year, and created two accounts calibrated 4330 and 4687 and they are all now 6k.

                                                                  what now? old kid.

                                                                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                    dont be too obsessed with mmr.. dog face... mmr buy you nothing in real life..

                                                                    tutututu max verstappen

                                                                      play support ty


                                                                        lol, nice stalker. im glad u took your time. but still, your riki sucks and you are just bad.

                                                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                          Anything you wish to say dog face.. I got nothing to prove to you..


                                                                            Is this even a question?
                                                                            Ofc you spam heroes you enjoy playing or you win with
                                                                            Preferably both


                                                                              Evil dentist doesn't believe in mmr. He thinks he is as good as frank (or not worse. Wtf?) but also conveniently feels that it can't be proven so he's automatically right.

                                                                              Retard alert


                                                                                I think the metric he used was because he played a lot of games on the hero so he knows the hero well.

                                                                                Well that's the dentist graduating from one of the best schools in Asia for you. Avoid his practice like the plague

                                                                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                  Jacked.. Scold all you want with all your filthy language.. Speak volume of your upbringing.



                                                                                    mentally handicapped

                                                                                      I got nothing to prove to you..

                                                                                      you keep on participating on threads and add in this every time someone says something other than what you say. is it just so that you wont feel too bad when roasted? or just an arrogant guy dropping a word or two and then makes his exit because he cant process more than that at once?

                                                                                      results inconclusive, will need to observe more

                                                                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                        le pousti, you have problem understanding my reply to op regarding how to spam hero and without feeling bored? if you don't understand, you can always study more..

                                                                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                                                          the way this specimen protects himself is by just pretending counter arguments exist.

                                                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                                                            oh no i can see how liking the hero for what he is makes spamming him easy instead of spamming for mmr

                                                                                            what i dont understand is how youve got the gall to declare "you have nothing to prove" but yet you reply to every comment as if you are trying to prove something. in laymans terms youre contradictory. you claim to come from a top 5 in uni, but you speak/type english like icetea. do they not grade your essays on how it is written there? you claim to be not equal nor above a 6 riki spammer, yet youre 4k after literally years of playing dota. you claim to not care but you keep entertaining people when they talk to you

                                                                                            im new to understanding retards' actions, sorry

                                                                                            Siiilver Surfffeeer

                                                                                              make a hero challenge like I'm gonna win this game with zero deaths or achieving a high KDA ratio

                                                                                              or going 1 HERO 1 PAGE WIN in ranked.


                                                                                                I find it really difficult to spam any hero without getting bored. don't get how high mmr people do it


                                                                                                  it's really for people who want to play properly, and not people who just want to play. for the first group, if you play a hero once, you wouldnt be satisfied with how you played it, you'd wanna keep playing it. second group just doesnt care and wants to play the game, not the hero.


                                                                                                    Like everyone has been saying; play a hero you love, someone with a high skill cap so that you don't get bored. I think @Leelaw wasn't off on the unorthodox builds thing either, play a hero who has flexible itemization that won't get him flamed. I think that's why SF is a great spam hero for many; he's fun to play, doesn't get boring because of how focused you have to be when playing him, and he can itemize in many different ways, all of which are still viable in their own way because of his talents.
                                                                                                    Blink eul's aghs, shadow blade butterfly mkb, S&Y pike cuirass, mek manta daedelus, satanic bkb skadi, etc, mix and match them up. hell you could ethereal dagon shiva's and I wouldn't be mad(others might be tho haha)