General Discussion

General DiscussionLORE Draft

LORE Draft in General Discussion

    Okay, Here is the challenge.

    You must select a Team, Based on LORE for either Radiant or Dire.
    If someone Counters your team eg, My Dire team vs (XXXX) Radiant team, here is my reasoning why.

    Whoever comes up with the Strongest team wins a set for one of the heros you chose.

    - Zet does not belong to a fraction, and cannot be picked.

    My first Squad.

    Ancient Apparition: The Inevitable Heat Death of the Universe. Maximum Entropy
    Enigma: A consumer of worlds.
    Void: A being from beyond time who can control it
    Weaver: has the capability to reshape existence as he sees fit.
    CK: Of all the ancient Fundamentals, he is the oldest and most tireless


    There are plenty of other Options, Balanar, KOTL, Rubick, Voker, ET, Tiny etc
    However as a Team, I believe this would be unbeatable.


    Ця тема була відредагована
    mentally handicapped

      fuck dire and radiant. i want morph, naga, slark, tide, and kunkka on the same team. team water bitch ftw



        mentally handicapped

          ^( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

          Hatsune Miku

            I want Sven, CK, DK, Omni and LC :D 4 knigts and the commander


              zeus, doom, tide, enigma, and void

              Pale Mannie

                Shadow Demon
                Shadow Fiend

                the 5 of 7 hells representatives


                  Trent protector

                  mentally handicapped

                    warlock isnt even a demon. hes just a wizard who likes demons so much

                    maybe sub him for underlord or lion (part demon)


                      Most replys are using Dire/Radiant combined.

                      - I'll humour you though.

                      @Miku - LC commands legions and Chaosknight can't be controlled, He is the Entrophy of Chaos, Incredibly powerful pick. The others are pretty 'meh' lore wise.

                      @absolution. Zues is a GOD and is on the same scale as the fundamentals, however he is in a mortal form currently 'i gave up imortality for this?', which makes him significantly weaker.
                      Enigma is Gravity, A singularity of power, Stupidly strong, As is Void who is a being from annother dimention that is not limited by time.


                      I actually enjoy this draft, however.
                      Shadow demon is the strongest of your picks, as it is said that it took Doom and Shadowfiend to bring him down, aswell as his army of cultists.
                      Doom is the incarnation of 'Satan' All things Evil in the biblical relm, which makes him significantly powerful.
                      Terrorblade is a demon that even demons fear, He escaped Hell's Hell and is emitting his Terror on all creation, Pretty Strong if you ask me.
                      Shadowfiend is the devourer of souls, and has the power that lies within them. He wouldn't be as strong as the entrophys by anymeans, however his power is quite unknown as noone has ever searched into his cavern.
                      Warlock, The most powerful Warlock in his academy, Not from hell. He isn't an incarnation of hell however he summoned a beast from the chambers, He is currently writing his 'Black grimoire' in his quest for knowledge. He is quite weak lore wise.

                      Cool draft though, props for SD

                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                        Warlock was just a human until he become wizard who uses magic to protect himself from an aggressive entity that is guarding a cursed temple on his journey.

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        Tyrannical Cancer

                          Phantom assassin.
                          Stealth assassin
                          Nyx assassin
                          Templar assassin
                          Bounty hunter.
                          Assassin is assassin. If u got assasinated u lose . Who care about dire and radiant. In darkworld everything is work

                          Oh shit i need one more assassin in dota

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            Aren't SD WAS the most powerful of the three demon until both Doom and SF kicked his ass and stripped most of his power away? but well, if it wasn't for SF coincidentally killing one of the cult member and sensed SD presence in that guy's soul then SD might still be the most powerful demon out there.

                            Tyrannical Cancer

                              Lich king is the most imba hero



                                The true counter to your draft is bane coz he can weaken aa till he is almost non existent
                                Aa is still the strongest
                                I will go with io (he is like from the other dimension or 4th dimension) and bane because aa is actually pretty weak before the universe dies

                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                  @ too much parasite
                                  you chose nyx, Nyx is 8 inches long lol

                                  @hbnn Yeah SD 'was' the strongest, even hell itself thought he was too powerful. Pretty gnarly lore though

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    whats the point of the thread kotcl wisp ck and enigma are fundamentals or some shit and are way stronger than everyone else in dota universe lore wise


                                      @fx You mixed radiant and Dire again..

                                      Io is Attraction between particles given form and is rediculously strong, Arguably stronger than AA however weaker than weaver, as weaver can rift a new universe and the laws. Also Potentially stronger than Gravity (enigma)
                                      Kotl is Light, however gets Hard countered by Chaos, which has been said to win every battle they have fought.
                                      Oracle's prophecies give him a huge edge over anything bound by time, however Void isn't bound by time and 'should' be able to battle him without his prophecies and predictions

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        Yo do i win a set now or what?
                                        Atropos is an elemental force personifying the nightmares and fear of this world. He manifests where there is promise of inflicting horror and feeding off dread. Sapping his foes' psyche heals him. Manifesting his enemies' fears, he greatly enfeebles their ability to fight. He revels in disabling foes by sending them into dread slumber. When need be he can rip his soul and force it into his foes, effectively immobilizing them with despair and pain. Atropos is, in one word, Fear.

                                        Dota 2:
                                        When the gods have nightmares, it is Bane Elemental who brings them. Also known as Atropos, Bane was born from the midnight terrors of the goddess Nyctasha. A force of terror too powerful to be contained by sleep, he surfaced from her slumbers, fed upon her immortality, and stole his vaporous form from her inky blood. He is the essence of fear. Mortals who hear his voice hear their darkest secrets whispered in their ear. He calls to the hidden fear in every Hero's heart. Wakefulness is no protection, for Bane's black blood, continuously dripping, is a tar that traps his enemies in nightmare. In the presence of Bane, every Hero remembers to fear the dark.
                                        So you cant mixed dire and radiant? I would put bane in there but if you cant i will make my dire only team which is
                                        Sd and bane and sf and tb

                                        Цей коментар був відредагований

                                          i'm not sure that Fear, an emotion is stronger than entrophy an action.
                                          AA is what happenes when entrophy wins, and according to the laws of thermodynamics, entrophy always wins.
                                          CK is entrophy, and thus creates AA, Which would nolonger be bound by Fear.
                                          So i hightly doubt atropos would beat AA


                                            Quick reminder that arc warden, if he were to get both dire and radiant shards, is literally GOD.

                                            Lore wise he was the strongest being in existance

                                            He can easily 1v9

                                            Source: wiki and my winrate


                                              I would say bane win vs everyone because he can reduced them to nothingness based on the lore. Maybe its dota 1 lore but all i know that he can weaken ck and aa to nothingness so he can 1vs4 your team


                                                slark as carry
                                                slardar roaming support
                                                naga lane support
                                                tidehunter solo offlane
                                                morphling mid

                                                should be challening


                                                death prophet mid
                                                wk pos 1
                                                undying pos 5
                                                necrophos pos 3
                                                pudge pos 4

                                                team from second dimension

                                                spectre/ck pos 1
                                                OD pos 2
                                                Dark seer pos 3
                                                spirit breaker pos 4 roaming
                                                visage pos 5

                                                mechanical or keen team

                                                gyro pos 1
                                                tinker pos 2
                                                timber pos 3
                                                clock pos 4 roaming
                                                techis pos 5 as lane support

                                                team cancer

                                                cancer lancer pos1
                                                weaver pos 3
                                                sniper mid
                                                venocancer pos 4
                                                silencancer pos 5

                                                team low IQ
                                                troll warlord safe
                                                alchemist mid
                                                tidehunter off
                                                pudge roaming
                                                ogre support

                                                midget team

                                                meepo safelane
                                                sniper mid
                                                clock offlane
                                                bounty hunter roaming
                                                io lane support

                                                team treehug

                                                LD safe
                                                enchant mid
                                                np off
                                                windranger roaming
                                                treant lane support

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                  Sciene in action

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    weaver, zeus, ET, CK, Doom


                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                      Enigma CK IO Weaver and Doom

                                                      Tommy Shelby

                                                        I offer you an angry bear, a spiky insect, a chunk of rock, a trees chopper and a motha fuckin fireworks crafter duo.

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          I played a
                                                          Team Kingdom

                                                          I was the King - WK
                                                          Land force General - LC
                                                          Air force - Gyro
                                                          Sea force - tide and morp

                                                          Is a shame Kunkka not in my team that match

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