General Discussion

General DiscussionGuess match results based on draft.

Guess match results based on draft. in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    No cheating please!

    I'll post some drafts from my last few games and the match link. Try to guess the winning side before clicking on the link. If people actually don't cheat maybe we can get some idea of how easily it is to guess a winner off draft and how much draft matters. I have always contended that for average players draft is the biggest contributor to winning or losing a game cus no one at our level is good enough to execution pocket strats or out play competition on a regular basis, so whoever has the better draft almost always wins. Better is subjective though, sometimes 4 cores is better, sometimes 2 roaming supports is. So here we go. I picked a handful of matches randomly from my history. I'll also give my opinions though I know the outcomes of course.

    1. Radiant: Tinker, spectre, brood, CM, treant
    Dire: Alch, mirana, weaver, nature's prophet, slardar

    NP is one of the lowest win rate pub heroes right now but so is brood so this one is really close. Radiant also has little catch for weaver, just CM and treant ults, which mean dire should run amok, but their lineup is SOOO greedy, I favor radiant just barely.

    2. Radiant: Luna, lina, CM, bloodseeker, tidehunter
    Dire: Invoker, timber, juggernaut, LC, earth spirit

    This seems really balanced and even but earth spirit is garbage in pubs, slight favor to radiant.

    3. Radiant: Pheonix, kotl, zeus, spirit breaker, troll
    Dire: naga, tiny, lifestealer, pa, sand king

    Dire super greedy again but radiant seriously lacks push and while kotl and zeus clear waves fine I'm not sure they can stop naga illusions. I'd go dire here if they can not feed in lane stage.

    4. Radiant: Storm, invoker, sven, riki, shadow fiend
    Dire: Dazzle, TA, weaver, bristleback, nature's prophet

    Radiant appears super greedy but so what? Dire has no catch for storm at all and NP is a pub loser, pretty easy call, radiant.

    5. Radiant: void, omni, weaver, invoker, lich
    Dire: Bounty, pudge, necro, axe, lina

    I guess I'm a sucker for old school void lineups, I really like radiants lanes and team fight, all dire has is early roam potential and who hits towers on that team? I'd go radiant easily here.

    Post some of your own if you want and I'll guess on those.

    me, government hooker
      Цей коментар був видалений модератором

        Find me some 5k matches and I will play this game.


          2k noob taking a guess:

          1. Radiant: Tinker, spectre, brood, CM, treant
          Dire: Alch, mirana, weaver, nature's prophet, slardar

          Dire win

          2. Radiant: Luna, lina, CM, bloodseeker, tidehunter
          Dire: Invoker, timber, juggernaut, LC, earth spirit

          Radiant win, especially early game

          3. Radiant: Pheonix, kotl, zeus, spirit breaker, troll
          Dire: naga, tiny, lifestealer, pa, sand king

          Dire win

          4. Radiant: Storm, invoker, sven, riki, shadow fiend
          Dire: Dazzle, TA, weaver, bristleback, nature's prophet

          Dire win

          5. Radiant: void, omni, weaver, invoker, lich
          Dire: Bounty, pudge, necro, axe, lina

          Radiant win


            I guess this is why I'm 2k

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Dune, the Desert Planet

              - safe: Drow, Io; mid: OD; off: Pudge, Omni

              - safe: PA, Visage, Rhasta; mid: Invoker; off: PotM


                ^You ruined it for the rest of us. I can just guess the opposites of what you guessed and get 4/5.

                Welcome to the boards btw. Glad to see an active mod!


                  rip i removed my score.

                  Glad to see an active mod!

                  don't keep your hopes up


                    Yeah, I've seen some mods come, be super active and dispensary for 6 months. Zzzzz.


                      that'll be me. but let's keep this topic on track :)

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        @N4randza, certain player from my lineup is over 9k MMR.

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          1. Radiant: Tinker, spectre, brood, CM, treant
                          Dire: Alch, mirana, weaver, nature's prophet, slardar

                          Radiant is my guess. Tinker & Spec alone is usually an instant win. I guessed correctly here. The picks alone, and not being a retard = ez win.

                          2. Radiant: Luna, lina, CM, bloodseeker, tidehunter
                          Dire: Invoker, timber, juggernaut, LC, earth spirit

                          I am going to have to go with Dire on this one. I guessed wrong for this one. Dire had a good mix of Phys & Magic, and farm. This was a throw.

                          3. Radiant: Pheonix, kotl, zeus, spirit breaker, troll
                          Dire: naga, tiny, lifestealer, pa, sand king

                          Radiant is my guess for this one. Yup. I guessed correctly. People underestimate Phoenix (slightly underrated) especially in low skill brackets, and troll is another meta hero. The team fight potentcy Radiant had was higher to begin with.

                          4. Radiant: Storm, invoker, sven, riki, shadow fiend
                          Dire: Dazzle, TA, weaver, bristleback, nature's prophet

                          I want to say Radiant if Sven had enough time, but I will guess with Dire. You would have to be stupid to throw an ez game. And I guessed wrong, it was Radiant win, but look at my first sentence. Dire threw.

                          5. Radiant: void, omni, weaver, invoker, lich
                          Dire: Bounty, pudge, necro, axe, lina

                          Dire. Definitely Dire. I guessed correctly on this one. Again, not playing like an idiot and pretty obvious win by picks alone.

                          It was fun guessing these Normal Skill games.


                            ill go with

                            radiant, radiant, radiant, radiant, dire


                              1- Obviously radiant
                              2- Dire
                              3- Radiant - tough one really
                              4- Dire - Ez
                              5- Dire